Arrange the positive and even numbers into 5 columns according to the following table: Column 1 column 2 column 3 column 4 column 5 The first line The second line 16 14 12 10 The third line 18 20 22 24 The fourth line 32 30 28 26 …… … … … … … According to the rule in the table, even number 2010 should be ranked in row and column; To specific process, to write all the columns of the law of the number! Well, child, I appreciate your courage to challenge difficult problems, but your answer is wrong

Arrange the positive and even numbers into 5 columns according to the following table: Column 1 column 2 column 3 column 4 column 5 The first line The second line 16 14 12 10 The third line 18 20 22 24 The fourth line 32 30 28 26 …… … … … … … According to the rule in the table, even number 2010 should be ranked in row and column; To specific process, to write all the columns of the law of the number! Well, child, I appreciate your courage to challenge difficult problems, but your answer is wrong

The children's answer: all are even numbers, from 2 to 16, a group of two rows, a row of four, that is, eight consecutive even number group, so 2010 from 2, a total of (2010 divided by 2 equal to 1005) 1005 even numbers. Then 1005 divided by 4 equal to 251 rows, more than 1. That means 252 rows from right to left, is the rightmost one in the second row of 1 group, in 252 row 4!

Arrange the positive and even numbers into 5 columns as follows: column 1, column 2, column 3, column 4, column 5, row 1, row 2, row 2, row 16, 14, 12, 10, row 3, row 2, 30, 28, 26 According to the above arrangement, 2012 should be ranked in ()
A. Line 502, column 1 B. line 250, column 5 C. line 251, column 4 d. line 252, column 3

∵ 2012 is the 1006th item in the positive even sequence, and ∵ four items in each row, ∵ the second number in the 252nd row. The 252nd row is from left to right and starts from the second row, ∵ 2012 is the third column in the 252nd row. So select D

Even numbers are arranged in 5 columns as shown in the table below, in which columns and in which rows?

Arrangement rule: every 8 even numbers occupy 2 rows. The number of columns should be 2014 divided by 2 (2014 is the number of even numbers) and then divided by 8 (the number of rows where 2014 is located. See the remainder. 2014 / 2 = 1007, 1007 / 8 = 125.7. Because every 8 even numbers occupy 2 rows, 125 should be multiplied by 2 to get 250. Answer: 2014 is in the second row of 250