Compare the number of the following two groups. Which group has the largest average number? One: Two: 200

Compare the number of the following two groups. Which group has the largest average number? One: Two: 200

75.5102.5 the second group was large

There are seven numbers in order from big to small, the average is 38. The average of the first four numbers is 33, and the average of the last four numbers is 42. Find the median of these seven numbers

33 × 4 + 42 × 4-38 × 7 = 132 + 168-266 = 34 A: the median of these seven numbers is 34

There are seven numbers in order from big to small, the average is 38. The average of the first four numbers is 33, and the average of the last four numbers is 42. Find the median of these seven numbers

33 × 4 + 42 × 4-38 × 7 = 132 + 168-266 = 34 A: the median of these seven numbers is 34

There are seven numbers in order from big to small, the average is 38. The average of the first four numbers is 33, and the average of the last four numbers is 42. Find the median of these seven numbers

33 × 4 + 42 × 4-38 × 7 = 132 + 168-266 = 34 A: the median of these seven numbers is 34