Beautiful colored lights should be installed in the classroom. The colored lights are arranged according to the rule of 1 red, 2 yellow and 3 green. What color is the 40th colored light

Beautiful colored lights should be installed in the classroom. The colored lights are arranged according to the rule of 1 red, 2 yellow and 3 green. What color is the 40th colored light

The 40th is the green light

There are 249 flowers, arranged by 5 red, 9 yellow and 13 green. How many green flowers are there?

Five red, nine yellow and thirteen green flowers were regarded as a group, with 27 flowers in each group
249 divided by 27 = 9 leaves 6
So there are nine groups, and then there are six flowers left
There are 9 * 13 = 117 green flowers in 9 groups, and the remaining 6 are 5 red and 1 yellow without green
So there are 117 green flowers

There are 249 flowers, arranged in the order of 5 red flowers, 9 yellow flowers and 13 green flowers, and the last one is______ &Flowers of color

249÷(5+9+13)=249÷27=9… After 9 cycles, there are 6 flowers left, so the last one is yellow

According to the order of 5 red flowers, 9 yellow flowers and 13 green flowers, the 249th flower is () color

249 △ 13 = 19 more than 2, that is, the second flower is (red)

249 flowers are arranged in the order of 6 red flowers, 8 yellow flowers and 13 green flowers. What's the color of the last flower? How many red flowers are there in these 249 flowers?

6 + 8 + 13 this is a combination, the value is 27; with 249 divided by 27, that is to see 249 flowers can put down several combinations, the result is 9 groups, the remainder is 6; that 249 flowers inside there are 9 whole group arrangement, and then there are 6 flower position, according to the order, these 6 flowers are red. So the total number of red flowers is: 9 *

How to divide a cake equally among eight people? In the end, there is still one piece in the cake box of the same size

Divided into 8 parts on average, the front 7 people took 7 pieces, the last one took the cake in the box together

There are 320 ping-pong balls and 80 ping-pong balls in box a and Box B respectively. If 15 ping-pong balls are taken out of box a and put into Box B each time, how many times will it take to make the number of ping-pong balls in the two boxes equal?

There are 320 ping-pong balls and 80 ping-pong balls in box a and Box B respectively. If 15 ping-pong balls are taken out of box a and put into Box B each time, how many times will it take to make the number of ping-pong balls in the two boxes equal?

There are 320 individual table tennis balls and 80 table tennis balls in box a and Box B respectively. If you take 15 table tennis balls out of box a and put them into Box B each time, how many times do you need to take them

Friend: your question seems incomplete
Let me guess: how many times does it take to make two boxes have the same number of balls
It takes x times to make two boxes have the same number of balls
The solution is x = 8
So it takes eight times to make two boxes have the same number of balls
If it's still wrong, please leave a message

It is necessary to pack 61 ping-pong balls in several boxes, each box can hold at most five ping-pong balls, proving that there are at least five boxes with the same number of ping-pong balls
Same as

This problem can be proved by the counter argument, assuming that there are no five boxes with the same number of ping-pong balls, then at most there are four boxes with the same number of ping-pong balls, and each box can only hold five at most, so it can only hold at most 1x4 + 2x4 + 3x4 + 4x4 + 5X4 = 60, but it actually needs to hold 61 balls, so the assumption is not true, so there are at least five boxes with the same number of ping-pong balls

Which of the following boxes can fill an average of 80 ping-pong balls?

Both red double happiness and Pisces sell balls in six boxes. Isn't that kind of box very convenient? 80 / 6 = 15 boxes,