The sum of two consecutive even numbers is 34. These two even numbers are () and () respectively. Their greatest common factor is (), and their least common multiple is ()

The sum of two consecutive even numbers is 34. These two even numbers are () and () respectively. Their greatest common factor is (), and their least common multiple is ()

The least common multiple of 16 and 18 is 144, and the greatest common factor is 2,

The sum of two adjacent even numbers is 30. What is their least common multiple?

The least common multiple of 14,16 is 112

The sum of the greatest common divisor and the least common multiple of two adjacent even numbers is 182,

Two adjacent positive integers refer to each other
That is n and N + 1 coprime
So the greatest common divisor of two adjacent even numbers 2n and 2n + 2 is 2
So the least common multiple is 180
The least common multiple is the multiplication of two numbers divided by the greatest common divisor
So 180 = (2n) * (2n + 2) / 2 = 2n ^ 2 + 2n
Negative solution rounding off
So these two numbers are 18 and 20, respectively

The sum of three consecutive even numbers is 54, and the greatest common divisor of the three even numbers is 54______ The least common multiple is______ .

54 △ 3 = 18, 18-2 = 16, 18 + 2 = 20, so the three numbers are 16, 18, 20, 16 = 2 × 2 × 2, 18 = 2 × 3 × 3, 20 = 2 × 2 × 5, so the greatest common factor of 16, 18, 20 is 2, and the least common multiple is 2 × 2 × 2 × 5 × 3 = 720;

There are a lot of pieces in box a and box B. There are five more pieces in box a than in box B,
If you take out 10 pieces in box a and put them in Box B, the number of pieces in box a is exactly half of the number in a box, and how many pieces do I have in this pile?

Suppose there are x pieces in Box B, then there are (x + 5) pieces in box a
Take out 10 pieces from box a and put them into box B. box a has (x - 5) pieces and Box B has (x + 10) pieces
So there are 20 pieces in Box B and 25 pieces in box A. There are 45 pieces in this pile

Put a pile of pieces in four boxes, one fifth of which is put into box a, one third into Box B, and the pieces put into box C are the total number of pieces in box a and box B
3 / 4. Finally, ten pieces are put into the box. How many pieces are there in this pile

Suppose there are x pieces in total. According to the meaning of the question, we can get the equation as follows:
The solution is x = 150

There are two boxes of pieces, 63 pieces and 108 pieces respectively. Party A and Party B go in turn, and each person can only take one box at a time. There is no limit to the number of pieces in each box. Who takes the last one is the winner, and how to win

First, take 45 pieces from the box of 108 pieces, so there are 63 pieces left in both boxes. Then the other party will take as many pieces from one box as you want from the other box. Finally, the other party will take all the pieces from one box first, and then you will take all the pieces from the other box. In this way, you will get the last piece

There are three white pieces and three black pieces of the same size in the box. If you want to find out the pieces, there must be two pieces of the same color, at least

The first two times may be different colors
If the first two times are different colors, the third time must be the same color
So if you want to have the same color, you have to touch it at least three times

There are two boxes, one is filled with black pieces, the other is filled with white pieces. If the black pieces are lost, it is 3 / 8 of the white pieces
Take out 7 pieces and replace them with black pieces. Put them in the box with black pieces. Then the number of black pieces is 2 / 3 of that of white pieces. How many black pieces and white pieces are there in the original two boxes?

Suppose that the original two boxes contain x white pieces and 3 / 8x black pieces
A: the original two boxes contained 15 black pieces and 40 white pieces

There are many apples in the box

there is lots of apples in the box