If the smallest of the three consecutive even numbers is a, then the largest is a______ The sum of these three numbers is______ .

If the smallest of the three consecutive even numbers is a, then the largest is a______ The sum of these three numbers is______ .

According to the given conditions, a is the smallest of the three continuous even numbers. According to the meaning and properties of the continuous even numbers, it is concluded that the two numbers after a can be represented by letters: a + 2, a + 2 + 2; then the three continuous even numbers are: A, a + 2, a + 4, and the maximum of them is a + 4; their sum: a + (a + 2) + (a + 4), = 3A + 6; so the answer is: a + 4, 3A + 6

If 3A = 5b, (a, B are not 0), then a: B=______ .

Because 3A = 5b, then a: B = 5:3

The average of two consecutive even numbers is 17, and these two even numbers are ()

This is very simple. They are (16) and (18) respectively
What grade are you in? Didn't the teacher teach you how to do it

A is an even number, and the two consecutive even numbers after a are______ 、______ The average of the three numbers is______ .

(1) A is an even number, the two consecutive even numbers after a are a + 2, a + 4; (2) the average of the three numbers is: (a + 4 + A + 2 + a) △ 3, = (3a + 6) △ 3, = a + 2; so the answer is: a + 2, a + 4, a + 2

The average of four consecutive even numbers is 21

Let the first even number be a
So these four numbers are 18 20 22 24

The sum of 5 natural numbers is (2) the average of 5 natural ripening is (3) the sum of 5 continuous even numbers is (4) the average of 5 continuous odd numbers is (3)
Algebraic expression

Let the middle number of five continuous natural numbers be a
Then (1) the sum of five natural numbers is 5A
(2) The average of five natural ripens is a
Let the middle number of five consecutive even numbers be n
Then the sum of five consecutive even numbers is 5N
Let the middle number of five consecutive odd numbers be m
Then the average of five consecutive odd numbers is m

1. In the numbers of 2, 6, 0, 1.2, 5, - 78, 51, 32%, - 21, 7 / 100 and 31, the natural number is (), the negative number is (), the even number is (), the odd number is (), the combined number is (), and the prime number is ()

Among the numbers 2,6,0,1.2,5, - 78,51,32%, - 21,7 / 100,31, the natural numbers are (2,6,0,5,51,31),
Negative numbers are (- 78, - 21), even numbers are (2,6,0, - 78),, odd numbers are (5,51, - 21,31), combined numbers are (6,51), prime numbers are (2,5,31)
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The product of two primes must be? Here are four answers, combined even odd primes
Is there a master? Help me!

All in all
Even - even = even
Odd × odd = odd
Odd odd = even
Odd + even = odd
Even × even = even
Even + even = even
Odd even = odd
Odd × even = even

64 this even number can be expressed as the product of the sum of which two prime numbers?

23 and 41

The sum of three consecutive even numbers is 18, and their product is () a.18 b.182 c.192 d.202

4.6.8 select c