What's five sixths of a time? What's one fourth of eight ninths? fast

What's five sixths of a time? What's one fourth of eight ninths? fast

Five sixths at one time is 50, eight ninths and a quarter is two ninths

(1) (2) 125 × 6 / 7 × 8 × 7 / 6, (3) 1 / 4 × 75 + 25% × 15 + 10 × 0.25,

(1) 8 × 5 / 6 + 0.4 △ 4
=6 and 23 / 30
(2) 125 × 6 / 7 × 8 × 7 / 6
(3) Quarter × 75 + 25% × 15 + 10 × 0.25

-1 and 1 / 4 + (- 5 / 6) = (); - 2 / 15 + (- 0.8) = ()


The difference between a and B is 25, and the ratio of a and B is 9:7. What's the number of a?


1. The number of a is 48, one sixth of the number of a is equal to one fourth of the number of B, and the number of B is () 2. Use the same length of wire to form a square and a square
1. The number a is 48, one sixth of the number a is equal to one fourth of the number B, and the number B is ()
2. Use the same length of wire to form a square and a circle. The area of the two is ()


If the difference between a and B is 20 and 15 of a is equal to 16 of B, then the number of a is 20______ .

15x △ 16-x = 20, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 65x-x = 20, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 15x △ 15 = 20 △ 15, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 100, a: the number of a is 100. So the answer is: 100

How much is x minus five sixths

5x-6 / 6
=(1-5 / 6) x
=6 x

One sixth is a fraction plus a fraction. The more, the better,


One sixth is equal to a fraction minus a fraction. One sixth is equal to a fraction plus a fraction plus a fraction. Fill in the brackets with different numbers

One sixth is two sixths minus one sixth
1 is one third plus one third plus one third

Practical problems (with formulas)
1. The original price of a and B shirts is the same. Last October, a village shirt was sold at a 50% discount, B shirt was sold at a 60% discount. Dad bought one of these two kinds of shirts and shared 132 yuan. How much was the original price of these two kinds of shirts

The original price is set at x yuan
The selling price of type a shirt is 0.5x
The selling price of type B shirt is 0.6x
The total cost is 0.5x + 0.6x = 132
So 1.1 x = 132
X = 120 yuan