The sum of the reciprocal of two natural numbers is 11 / 30. What are the two numbers

The sum of the reciprocal of two natural numbers is 11 / 30. What are the two numbers

5 and 6

Use three, four, five and six numbers to form a formula. After calculation, the result is equal to 21. (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are OK, unlimited times

Three times four plus five brackets minus six equals 21
3 times (4 + 5) - 6 = 21

How can 99999 = 13


1 kwh = 0.6 yuan
The number of meters / kWh of lelejia in May is 1032, the power consumption in May is 134, how much is the electricity charge in May?
How much is the electricity charge in May?
The number of meters / kWh of chengchengjia in May is 1000. How much is the electricity charge in May?

134 * 0.6 = 80.4 yuan
Linglingjia and chengchengjia have no specific electricity consumption. It can't be calculated