How to make the horizontal, vertical and oblique numbers 15?

How to make the horizontal, vertical and oblique numbers 15?

2 7 6
9 5 1
4 3 8

After a 4-digit number and a decimal point, add it to the original number, and the sum is 2028.08

Two decimal points, so it is
abcd+ .08
It can be seen from the decimal places that:
A hundred thousand
From ten,
d+b=8 —>b=0
c+a=2 ->c=0
So the original number is: 2008

The sum of a single digit and a hundred digits of a three digit number is 5. If it is expanded 100 times, it may be 5(
The sum of a single digit and a hundred digits of a three digit number is 5. If it is expanded 100 times, it may be 5(

Too much, just write it
fifty thousand
forty thousand and one hundred
forty-one thousand and one hundred
forty-two thousand and one hundred

Take 2 different natural numbers from 1 to 100 and make the sum of them greater than 100______ There are two different methods

1+100,2+100,3+100,4+100,… , 99 + 100, 99 species; 2 + 99, 3 + 99, 4 + 99, 5 + 99 97 species; 3 + 98, 4 + 98, 5 + 98, 6 + 98 , 97 + 98, 95 species; 4 + 97, 5 + 97, 6 + 97, 7 + 97 96 + 97, 93 species There are five species: 48 + 53, 49 + 53, 50 + 53, 51 + 53, 52 + 53; 49 + 52, 50 + 52, 51 + 52, 3 species; 50 + 51, 1 species; therefore: (97 + 1) × 50 △ 2 = 98 × 50 △ 2 = 2500 species