Four digits. The first digit is equal to the number of digits 0. The second digit represents the number of digits 1 in the number. The third and fourth digits are the four digits?

Four digits. The first digit is equal to the number of digits 0. The second digit represents the number of digits 1 in the number. The third and fourth digits are the four digits?

Is that the topic?
For a four digit number, the first number is equal to the number of 0, the second number represents the number of 1, the third number represents the number of 2, and the fourth number equals the number of 3. What are these four numbers?
Answer: 1210
two thousand and twenty

A prime number is a two digit number composed of two numbers. The sum of the two numbers is 8 and the difference between the two numbers is 2. What is the prime number?

Because 5 + 3 = 8 and 5-3 = 2, these two numbers are 5 and 3, so the prime number is 53

Ten hundredths are equal to one thousandth
A. 1000B. 100C. 10D. 10000

Ten one percent is equal to 100 one thousandth

10.6 is a few tenths, a few hundredths, a few thousandths

One tenth of 106, one percent of 1060, one thousandth of 10600