2. A number is made up of 2 hundredths, 5 tens, 8 ones and 2 percentages 3.4 hours 20 minutes = () hours The largest divisor of 4.56 is () and the smallest is ()

2. A number is made up of 2 hundredths, 5 tens, 8 ones and 2 percentages 3.4 hours 20 minutes = () hours The largest divisor of 4.56 is () and the smallest is ()

3.4 and 1 / 3
4.56 ,1

A number is made up of eight tens and ten percentages

A number consists of 8 tens and 10 percentages. The number is written as (80.1)

40 to one thousandth of it is ()


To reduce 430 to one thousandth of the original is ()

Reducing 430 to one thousandth of the original is (0.43)