If two numbers are divided, the divisor will be reduced 10 times, and the divisor will be expanded 10 times. The quotient is 200, but the quotient is ()

If two numbers are divided, the divisor will be reduced 10 times, and the divisor will be expanded 10 times. The quotient is 200, but the quotient is ()

If two numbers are divided, the divisor will be reduced 10 times, and the divisor will be expanded 10 times. The quotient is 200, but the original quotient is (20000)

The quotient of the division of two numbers is 2.06. If the divisor remains unchanged and the divisor is reduced to one percent of it, what is the quotient

The quotient is 2.06 * 100 = 206

If you divide two numbers, the quotient is 5.4______ .

Let the divisor be a, the divisor be B, and a △ B = 5.4. According to the meaning of the question, we can know: (a × 10) / (B △ 10), = (a × 10 × 10) / (B △ 10 × 10), = 100A △ B, = 100 × (a △ b), = 100 × 5.4, = 540; so the answer is: 540