Five cups are put in the tray mouth down. Turn two cups at a time. Can he turn five cups mouth up

Five cups are put in the tray mouth down. Turn two cups at a time. Can he turn five cups mouth up

Absolutely not, because 5 is an odd number, 3 is also a multiple of 4, it can't be a multiple of 3, and the decomposition of 5 is 2 and 3, 1 and 4, so it's impossible

Five meters minus a few decimeters is two meters

30 decimeters, 10 decimeters = 1 meter

71 times 69, how to use the multiplication formula to calculate, (x-4) (x + 4) (the second power of X + 16)
How to do the quadratic power of (3m + 2n) - (2m + 3n)

﹙1﹚71×69=﹙70+1﹚×﹙70-1﹚=70²-1²=4900-1=4899;﹙2﹚﹙x-4﹚﹙x+4﹚﹙x²+16﹚ =﹙x²-16﹚﹙x²+16﹚ =x^4-16² =x^4-256﹙3﹚﹙3m+2n﹚²-﹙2...

A simple algorithm of 1999 times 0.5, 1997 times 0.3 and 1999 times 1.2

As a student sister, I hope children's shoes will continue to work hard in mathematics! >_

A simple algorithm of 10.3 × 99 + 10.3


1+2+3+4+… +A simple algorithm of 99

1+2+3+4+… +99

3.37 * 0.99 simple algorithm

=3.37*1 - 3.37*0.01

What's the simple algorithm of 11 times 11?

Pull at both ends and add in the middle
Hundred: 1, ten: 1 + 1 = 2: 1
Hundred: 1, ten: 1 + 2 = 3: 2

A simple algorithm of multiplying 36.4 by 11 and subtracting 36.4


There are several fast algorithms for the product of 48 times 125 times 25
