How to calculate 4013 × o.76 + 40.13 × 24

How to calculate 4013 × o.76 + 40.13 × 24


Simple calculation: 444 × 0.24

If you don't understand this question, you can ask,

1. When a fraction is reduced to the simplest fraction, it is 5 / 8. The original numerator is 30 larger than the denominator. What is the numerator of the original fraction?
2. The product of three prime numbers is 385. What are the three numbers?

8*10=80 5*10=50
The original score was 50 out of 80

1. Fill in the appropriate number in the brackets
1 / 6 = (& 160; & 160;) 1 + (& 160; & 160;) 1 / 6
1 out of 12 = (- 160; - - 160;) 1 + (- 160; - - 160;) 1 + = (- 160; - - 160;) 1

1 / 6 = (1 / 12) + (1 / 12)
1 in 12 = (36) 1 + (36) 1 + (36) 1

1. All true fractions with denominator of 10 are (& # 160; & # 160; & # 160; & # 160; & # 160; & # 160; & # 160; & # 160; & # 160;). The sum of all true fractions with denominator of 8 is (& # 160; & # 160; & # 160; & # 160; & # 160; & # 160; & # 160; & # 160;)
2. Fill in the simplest fraction in brackets
125m=(        )km                85dm=(        )m                     3750ml=(         )L
In this paper, we are going to carry out the results of \\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\ \theresults show that it is 160; (#jjjj jjjjjjjjjjjj;jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj#jjjjjjj##jjjj\106;;;j\\\\\\\\\\\\\- 160; - 160; - 160; - 160; - 160; - 160; - 160; - 160; - 160; - 160; - 160; 1025m2 = (- 160;   & 160; & 160; & 160; & 160; & 160; & 160; & 160;) square meters

1.10 of 137 9.2.8 of 135 7
2.0.125km 8.5m
3.75L 9.4m 2.19kg
10.25 square meters

How to calculate (0.75 × 121-3 / 4 × 20-1 / 5) △ 0.75

{3x (121-20) - 1 / 5} X3 / 4 = 4 / 3x3 / 4x100-1 / 5x3 / 4 = 100-3 / 20 = 99 and 17 / 20

How to calculate 8 / 7 of 13 + 1 of 7 * 6 of 13

8 / 7 of 13 + 1 of 7 * 6 of 13

How to calculate 13.5 - (3.8 * 1.25-1.25 + 7.2 * 1.25)


5 / 42 * 7 + 4.8 * 13

=1897 / 30 - the simplest

How to calculate 31.58-12.73 17.27
