A number divided by 49 and 79 results in 1. What is the maximum number?

A number divided by 49 and 79 results in 1. What is the maximum number?

According to the relationship between the parts of division, if the result of dividing 49 and 79 is 1, it means that 49 and 79 can be divided by the required number, that is, the required number should be the greatest common divisor of 49 and 79, and then the number is 6 by short division

1. A number divided by 73 is more than 1, divided by 98 is more than 2, divided by 147 is more than 3?
2. There are three different specifications of steel bars, the first 240 cm long, there are six, the second 300 cm long, there are seven, the third 360 cm long, there are eight. Now we need to cut each section of the longest street equal to the small short, no waste. How many sections can be cut? Use common factor, common multiple solution. Thank you!

One 73-1 = 72 = 24 * 3
II. 6 * 240 / 60 + 7 * 300 / 60 + 8 * 360 / 60 = 107

Write down the following time expressions (in two ways) in English

eight forty /twenty to nine
ten fifty-five/five to eleven
ten /ten o'clock

Write two English expressions of the following time: 5:10, 7:15, 9:30, 6:40, 11:45
5:10 7:15 9:30 6:40 11:45

I'm glad to be able to answer your question here
five ten
ten past five
seven fifteen
a quater past seven
nine thirty
a half past seven
six forty
twenty to seven
eleven forty-five
a quater to twelve

How to say 6:15 in English?
Is this correct
You must use a quarter past six

a quarter past six
six fifteen

Two ways to express English time
3:04 9:45
6:10 10:30
7:15 1:31

3:04 three o/zero four ; four past three9:45 nine forty-five ; fifteen to ten ; a quarter to ten 6:10 six ten ; ten past six10:30 ten thirty ; half past ten7:15 seven fifteen; a quarter past seven ; f...

Please use two English time expressions to change the following time, please~
These are the following:
7:10 8:15 9:30 10:45 4:20 5:50 1:58 3:25

ten past seven
seven ten
a quarter past eight
eight fifteen
How could there be 90?!
ten forty five
a quarter to eleven
four twenty
twenty past four
five fifty
ten to six
one fifty-eight
two to two
three twenty-five
twenty five past three

It's time for me to do my homework

It's time for me to do my homework now

Date and time in English
If you want to express how to express in English at 8:28:31 a.m. on December 26, 2010 (with random examples), thank you. I haven't made it clear!

At eight twenty-eight thirty-one second on December twenty-sixth, two-thousand and ten
The writing is generally abbreviated as follows:
At 8:28:31 on December 26th, 2010

English translation

You can ask the teacher