How to calculate 24 / 5 times 7 plus 4.8 times 13 with a simple algorithm?

How to calculate 24 / 5 times 7 plus 4.8 times 13 with a simple algorithm?

First, change 4.8 into a fraction of 24 / 5. Change it into 24 / 5 times 7 plus 24 / 5 times 3. Combine them into 24 / 5 times (7 + 3) and the answer is 48

42 ° 26 ′ 3 ″ - 21 ° 10 ′ 1 ″ × 2 Calculation

= 42°26′3″-42°20′2″

A number is 9, first add 42, then subtract 26, then add 42, then subtract 26 If the calculation goes on like this, it will go through______ 323

323-9 = 314314-42 = 272272 ^ (42-26) = 1717 + 1 = 18 & nbsp; so fill in 18

9 + 42-26 + 42-26 + 42-26?

42-26 = 16, that is to say, after one operation, it is equivalent to 9 + 16
Let 9 + 16x = 313, then x = 18

What are the ages of 56, 125, 1311, and 1994,
How many centuries and how many years was 1994, also known as the end of the century

They are 56 years: the 1950s, 125 years: the 1920s, 1311 years: the beginning of the 14th century, 1944 years: the end of the 20th century

How about 68-7-3-17-9

=68-17-7 58-17-9
=6 and 52 / 63

Calculation by formula: 189 / 9 + 16 * 8 7 * (58 + 27) / 17

I don't know if your formula is like this. If it is, the answer is the same as below. If not, let's talk about it!
Question 1: 189 / 9 + 16 * 8
Question 2: 7 * (58 + 27) / 17

A classmate miscalculated a-3.17 + 26.4 when calculating a-31.7 + 2.64. The result is more than the correct answer

Let the result of the equation be 0

(58 + 370) / (64 △ 16) simple calculation

(58+370) ÷ (64÷16)
= (58+370) ÷ 4
= (28+30+370) ÷ 4
= (28 + 400) ÷ 4
= 7 + 100
= 107

Find the rule and fill in the number. 2,4,8,14,22, (), 44,58. What's the rule, ask for detailed explanation

2. 4, 8, 14, 22, (32), 44, 58, the difference between each adjacent two numbers is 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, which is the continuous even difference