How about 10-24-15 + 26-42 + 18?

How about 10-24-15 + 26-42 + 18?

=10+26+18-(24+15+42) =54-81 =-(81-54) =-27

How to calculate 54.8 + 5.77 + 4.23-33.12 with simple algorithm

Original formula = (5.77 + 4.23) + 54.8-33.12

Simple calculation of 0.2 × 8.77 × 0.5

Original formula = 0.2 * 0.5 * 8.77 = 0.1 * 8.77 = 0.877



Simple calculation of 2.22 × 3.8-0.4 × 4.44

How to calculate 84 * 22 + 44 * 8 simply

two thousand and two hundred
Key points 44 * 8 = 2 * 22 * 8 = 22 * 16

The known conversion formula between Fahrenheit temperature and centigrade temperature is: (Fahrenheit temperature - 32) * 5 / 9 = centigrade temperature
Write a program, input a Fahrenheit temperature, output its corresponding centigrade temperature

The second year of senior high school is written in Visual Basic
input f
Print "centigrade is s ="; s

If a point P is randomly cast into the square ABCD with side length 2, then the distance between point P and a is not less than 1, and the probability that ∠ CPD is an acute angle is 0___ .

As shown in the figure, the quadrilateral ABCD is a square with a side length of 2, in which the large arc is a circular surface 14 with a radius of 1, the area of the square is 4, the area of the 14 circular surface is π 4, and the small arc is half of the circular surface with a radius of 12, so the area of the shadow part is 4-3 π 4, so the probability that the distance from point P to point a is greater than 1 is 4-3 π 44 = 1-3 π 16, so the answer is: 1-3 π 16

Senior two mathematics, thank you! Please answer in detail, thank you! (31 22:58:15)
If the absolute value of inequality x + the absolute value of (x-1) > m, the solution is r?

That is, | x | + | X-1 | minimum = 1
If the solution is r, then it holds
So m

1. If real numbers a and B satisfy 0 < a < B and a + B = 1, the maximum of the following numbers is: ()
A.b    B.a^2+b^2     C.2ab
There's a reasoning process, thank you

Choose a
B. Because AB is less than 1, their sum of squares is less than a, B
A is less than 0.5, B is more than 0.5, so 2Ab is less than 0.5, less than B