The sum of eight different non-zero natural numbers is 56. If you remove the largest number and the smallest number, then the sum of the remaining numbers is 44?

The sum of eight different non-zero natural numbers is 56. If you remove the largest number and the smallest number, then the sum of the remaining numbers is 44?

56-44 = 12, so the maximum number of the remaining numbers can not exceed 10, the sum of six numbers is 44, only 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 4. Therefore, the minimum number of the remaining numbers is 4. A: the minimum number of the remaining numbers is 4

The sum of the reciprocal of two natural numbers is 8 / 15. What are the two numbers


The sum of the reciprocal of two natural numbers is 8 / 15. What are the two numbers

The two numbers are 3 and 5, respectively

The base ratio of a biological nucleic acid is 46% for purine and 54% for pyrimidine. The base ratio of B biological genetic material is 34% for purine and 66% for pyrimidine
A. Cyanobacteria, amoeba B. T2 phage, pea C. nitrifying bacteria, sheep D. pneumococci, tobacco mosaic virus

A. The genetic material of amoeba is DNA, so B can't be amoeba, a is wrong; the nucleic acid of bacteriophage B and T2 is only DNA, so a can't be phage, and the genetic material of pea is DNA, so B can't be pea, B is wrong; the genetic material of sheep and C is DNA, so B can't be sheep, C is wrong; Diplococcus pneumoniae contains both DNA and RNA, C is wrong The genetic material of TMV is RNA. RNA is a single stranded structure. Purine and pyrimidine may not be equal. D is correct