Mr. Wang plans to deposit 5000 yuan into the bank for two years with an annual interest rate of 4.40%. After the maturity, how much yuan can Mr. Wang get in interest and principal?

Mr. Wang plans to deposit 5000 yuan into the bank for two years with an annual interest rate of 4.40%. After the maturity, how much yuan can Mr. Wang get in interest and principal?

5000 × 4.4% × 2 = 440 yuan
5000 + 440 = 5440 (yuan)

Aunt Wang used 2000 yuan to buy treasury bonds, fixed for five years, with an annual interest rate of 3.81%. (1) buying Treasury bonds can be exempted from 5% interest tax. How much interest tax can Aunt Wang be exempted from? (2) After maturity, how much yuan can Aunt Wang get back the principal and interest?

(1) Exemption of interest tax: 2000 × 3.81% × 5 × 5% = 19.05 (yuan); (2) 2000 + 2000 × 3.81% × 5, = 2000 + 2000 × 0.0381 × 5, = 2000 + 381, = 2381 (yuan); (1) Aunt Wang's exemption of interest tax is 19.05 yuan; (2) when due, he can get 2381 yuan of principal and interest

Aunt Li bought 20000 yuan of treasury bonds. The annual interest rate for three years is 3.32%. How much money can Aunt Li get back after maturity

Aunt Li has purchased 20000 yuan of treasury bonds, and the annual interest rate for three years is 3.32%. After maturity, Aunt Li can get back the principal plus interest. The total amount is as follows:
=21992 yuan
If I can help you, please support me as a satisfied answer, thank you!

Aunt Li buys treasury bonds with a yuan fixed term for 3 years, and the interest rate is 3.14%

She will get a total of (1.0942a) yuan when it is due

The bank issued a two-year Treasury bond with an annual interest rate of 2.55%. Aunt sun bought the bond and received a total of 6306 yuan of principal and interest when it was due. How many treasury bonds did aunt sun buy

Suppose you buy a yuan, because the annual interest rate is 2.55%, so the annual interest is a * 0.0255
The interest for two years is (a * 0.0255) * 2
6000+(A*0.0255)*2 = 6306
(A*0.0255)*2 = 306
A * 0.0255 = 153
A = 153/0.0255
A = 6000
So it's supposed to be 6000

Uncle Wang bought 50000 yuan of five-year treasury bonds with an annual interest rate of 6.15%. When it matures, how much can Uncle Wang get back?

Interest = principal × interest rate × deposit term
Five year interest = 50000 × 6.15% × 5 = 15375 yuan
Sum of principal and interest = 50000 + 15375 = 65375 yuan

Mr. Li deposits 2000 yuan into the bank and withdraws it as a whole for five years. The annual interest rate is 4.14%. When it matures, how much is Mr. Li's principal plus interest?
Unless otherwise specified, this book does not require the calculation of interest tax

Mr. Li deposits 2000 yuan into the bank and withdraws it as a whole for five years. The annual interest rate is 4.14%. When it matures, how much is Mr. Li's principal plus interest?
2000 × 5 × 4.14% + 2000 = 2414 yuan
I'm a teacher. Thank you

Uncle Wang bought 100000 yuan of five-year treasury bonds with an annual interest rate of 6.15%. How much of Uncle Wang's principal and interest at maturity? (the Treasury bonds pay interest tax face to face)

At maturity, Uncle Wang's principal and interest amount to 100000 + 100000 * x6.15% X5 = 130750 yuan

Mr. Li deposited 2000 yuan in the bank on September 10 last year for a fixed period of three years. If the annual interest rate is 3.24%, how many yuan can he withdraw the principal and interest after maturity?

2000 + 2000 × 3.24% × 3 = 2000 + 194.4 = 2194.4 (yuan). A: after maturity, he can withdraw the principal and interest of 2194.4 yuan

The electric motor is used in household appliances~
A. Electric rice cooker B. washing machine C. electric kettle D. electric blanket by the way, tell me about the application of electric motor in household appliances

B washing machine,
A lot of motors
So is the compressor of the refrigerator
The fan in the air conditioner is also an electric motor
The cooling fan inside the computer is also a motor
Electric razor is also useful for electric motor