The concrete explanation of syllogism of logical reasoning?

The concrete explanation of syllogism of logical reasoning?

The most basic rule of reasoning in logic is syllogism. What is syllogism? Syllogism is three sentences, two premises and one conclusion. First tell a story. Once upon a time, there was a philosopher named Socrates. One day, someone came to him to talk: "master, I admire you very much. I ask you a few questions. Can you answer me right or

Among the following household appliances, the one whose power consumption is close to 1.2kW · h is ()
A. Desk lamp B. refrigerator C. television D. air conditioner

The power of the electric appliance is p = wt = 1.2kW · h1h = 1.2kW. Among the four options, the electric appliance with rated power close to 1.2kW is air conditioner

Logical reasoning problem
There is a man who lives on the tenth floor. Every day he will take the elevator down to the lobby and leave. In the evening, he will take the elevator up. If someone is in the elevator - or it rains that day, he will directly sit on his floor. Otherwise, he will sit on the seventh floor, and then he will walk on the third floor to his apartment

This man is not tall. He can only press the elevator button on the 10th floor with the help of other people in the elevator or with the help of an umbrella. If he is the only one, he can only press the elevator button on the 7th floor

When the following household appliances work normally, the power is about 1kW?
A. Electric cooker B, fluorescent lamp C in classroom, TV D, computer


Logical reasoning problem
In a speech attended by three people, Xiao Zhang accused Xiao Wang and Xiao Li of "you are all lying." Xiao Li said, "Xiao Zhang is lying." Xiao Wang said, "Xiao Li is lying." try to judge who is telling the truth and who is lying?

Xiao Li didn't lie, because Xiao Zhang lied, then Li Wang didn't always lie, because Li told the truth, Wang lied, to sum up, Li Zhen, Wang Zhang lied; if Wang Zhen, Li lied, then Zhang Zhen, but Zhang said that Wang Li all lied, which contradicted the hypothesis, so it didn't hold water; similarly, if Zhang Zhen's hypothesis is wrong

Xiao Ming carefully observed the TV, fan, incandescent lamp and energy-saving lamp, and found that they were all marked with the word "220 V & nbsp; 40 W". If they all worked at the rated voltage for the same time, the most heat generated was ()
A. Television B. electric fan C. incandescent lamp D. energy saving lamp

TV, electric fan, incandescent lamp and energy-saving lamp are all marked with the word "220 V & nbsp; 40 W". If they all work under the rated voltage for the same time, according to w = Pt, the four kinds of electric appliances consume the same electric energy, but the TV mainly converts the electric energy into sound energy and light energy

Primary school logical reasoning
A, B, C three people chat, each say three words, and have two truth, a lie
A: I'm only 22 years old. I'm 2 years younger than B and 1 year older than C
B: I'm not the youngest. I'm three years younger than C. C is 25
C: I'm 23 years younger than a and 3 years older than B
Please judge the ages of a, B and C
It requires a detailed reasoning process, the answer is not important, the important thing is the reasoning process

1. 1.1 if a 22 is a lie in a's words, then the other two sentences are true, that is, a is 2 years younger than B, a is 1 year older than C; then B is 3 years older than C; 1.1.1 on this basis, B's words

The following electrical appliances use electromagnetic induction phenomenon to work ()
A. Electric oven B. electric bell C. moving coil microphone D. electric fan

A. The main part of electric oven is heating body, which uses the thermal effect of current to work, so a is not in line with the theme; B, the main part of electric bell is electromagnet, which uses the magnetic effect of current to work, so B is not in line with the theme; C, the moving coil microphone converts the acoustic signal into electrical signal, and the vibration of the acoustic signal drives the coil to vibrate in the magnetic field, generating current, which is electromagnetic induction phenomenon D. the main component of the electric fan is the motor, which works on the principle that the coil is forced to rotate in the magnetic field, so D does not meet the meaning of the topic

Simple logical reasoning
A, B, C, D four children, one of them quietly repaired the chair in the classroom
A said, "what B has done is good."
B said, "what a good thing Ding has done"
C said, "it's not me."
Ding said: "B is lying"
It is known that only one of the children told the truth. Q: who told the truth? Who did good?

The correct answer can be deduced by hypothesis method
① If what a says is right, B does good
So what B said was wrong, not that Ding was doing a good job
So what C said is wrong. C does good
There is obviously a contradiction here, so a is not telling the truth,
② B is right,
So what a said is wrong, not what B did
C's mistake is a contradiction between C's good deeds and B's, so B is not telling the truth
③ C is telling the truth
A wrong, not B good
B wrong, not Ding doing good
D wrong, B do good
Contradiction, so C is not telling the truth
④ Ding is telling the truth
A wrong, not B good
B wrong, not Ding doing good
C's mistake is a good thing C has done
So it's Ding and C who tell the truth
Answer is not easy, and back and cherish
If you don't understand, please ask. If you understand, please adopt it in time. I wish you success in your studies_ ∩)O~~~

The two electric lights can be turned on or off separately without affecting each other______ In the household circuit, electric lamps, fans, televisions and other electrical appliances are______ Connected in a circuit

The two electric lamps can be turned on or off separately without affecting each other, so they are connected in parallel. In the family circuit, the electric appliances, the sockets, the electric appliances and the sockets are connected in parallel, so the electric appliances in the court circuit, such as the electric lamp, the electric fan and the television, are connected in parallel