Some and all problems in logical reasoning For example, if some people are mathematicians, does that mean that some people are not mathematicians, or does it mean that some people are not mathematicians and all people are mathematicians

Some and all problems in logical reasoning For example, if some people are mathematicians, does that mean that some people are not mathematicians, or does it mean that some people are not mathematicians and all people are mathematicians

Some people are mathematicians, which does not mean that some people are not mathematicians

What should be used for electric lamps, fans and other specific appliances
Electrical, electrical or electrical?

Use electric
Recommend this memory: except for electrical appliance, use electrical for any other specific electrical appliances, such as electrical fan, electrical light, etc

What are the examples of "logical reasoning" in life
It's "logical reasoning". Don't make a mistake. It's about three. It's about ordinary people, not celebrities
If you write well, you can add up to 80 points of wealth!
It's not a story. It's an example

1. There is such a host, please a and B two guests to dinner. He and a came to the restaurant, waiting for a long time, B has not come. The host said to himself: "ah, not yet." a thought after listening: "I should come? Then I'll go." the host didn't realize that his words by reasoning will come to a conclusion contrary to his own will, but he let a go
Here, a's thinking process is as follows:
What should have come is not yet;
I haven't come yet;
So, I'm not supposed to be here
This is a straightforward syllogism
2. In the initial stage of criminal investigation, many people or things are included in the scope of investigation. Therefore, it is often necessary to negate some of the objects or circumstances in order to narrow the scope of investigation and determine the criminals. At this time, the negative form of hypothetical reasoning should be used. For example, in the suspected objects of a theft, the detective can infer: "if a is the perpetrator, Then he has time to commit a crime; after investigation, a has no time to commit a crime; therefore, a is not the perpetrator. "
This is a negative aftereffect of sufficient conditional hypothetical reasoning
3. According to the collection of ancient Chinese jokes, Ya Huo, there was a man's mother who believed in Buddhism and recited "Amitabha Buddha of Nanwu" all day long. So one day, the man got up in the morning and said, "Ma!" his mother agreed to him. After a while, he said, "Ma!" his mother agreed to him. But the man kept shouting. Finally, his mother was tired of shouting, Then he said angrily, "no! No! Are you upset?" the man said with a smile, "I just called you a few times, and you are not happy. Amitabha is called by you many times every day, and I don't know how he should lose his temper!"
This is an example of analogical reasoning

Xiaowen has a TV set, a refrigerator, an electric fan and two identical lamps. Their working currents are 150mA, 1.5A, 300mA respectively
100mA, 100mA. At present, the current of trunk road can not exceed 3a. The analysis shows that several same lamps can be installed at the same time

Current total current: I = 150mA + 1.5A + 300mA + 100max2 = 0.15A + 1.5A + 0.3A + 0.1ax2 = 2.15a
The same number of lamps can be installed at the same time: (3a-2.15a) / 0.1A / lamp = 8.5
Only 8 more

1. Given that (1-x) and (y + 1) are reciprocal to each other, find the value of 1 / X-1 / y
2. Given X / 6 = Y / 7, find the value of X + Y / 3Y

(1-x) and (y + 1) are reciprocal
That is, (1-x) (1 + y) = 1
So xy = Y-X,
Let X / 6 = Y / 7 = K
Then x = 6K, y = 7K

L in ampere force formula
Know the formula of Ampere force F = bil, where l refers to? If it is a rectangular coil moving in a uniform magnetic field, what does l refer to? Is it the circumference of the coil or the length of a part of it

The line that cuts the magnetic field is not the whole wire frame. If you pull one side a of the wire frame to the other side of the magnetic field, what remains in the magnetic field and parallel to a 'is L

What is the ratio of the diagonal length of square ABCD to its side length______ .

As shown in the figure, let AB = x, ∵ quadrilateral ABCD be a square, ∵ AB = BC = x, ∠ B = 90 °. In RT △ ABC, by Pythagorean theorem, AC = x2 + x2 = 2x. AC: ab = 2x: x = 2:1. So the answer is: 2:1

The formula of Ampere force F and magnetic induction B is?

Magnetic induction B = f / IL
F: An Peili
1: Current
50: Conductor length

It is known that ab = AE, BC = ed, AF is the vertical bisector of CD, as shown in the figure

It is proved that connecting AC, ad, ∵ AF is the vertical bisector of CD, ∵ AC = ad, ab = AE, BC = ed, ≌ △ ABC ≌ △ AED (SSS). ∵ B = E

What is the expression of Ampere force

B is the magnetic induction, I is the current, and l is the effective length acting in the magnetic field