The team plans to build a road in four days. On the first day, it will finish 3 / 20 of the total, and on the second day, it will finish the remaining 4 / 5. On the third and fourth day, the ratio of meters is 3:2, On the fourth day, we repaired 146 meters, just finishing the task. How many meters is the length of this road?

The team plans to build a road in four days. On the first day, it will finish 3 / 20 of the total, and on the second day, it will finish the remaining 4 / 5. On the third and fourth day, the ratio of meters is 3:2, On the fourth day, we repaired 146 meters, just finishing the task. How many meters is the length of this road?

The total length of the design is x meters
One day 3 / 20x meters, two days 3 / 25X meters, three days 219 meters, four days 146 meters,
Five hundred

What's 1, 0, 10, 100 degrees Fahrenheit?

Conversion formula of centigrade temperature and Fahrenheit temperature
F = (C × 9 / 5) + 32; C = (f-32) × 5 / 9; where f is Fahrenheit temperature and C is centigrade temperature

It is known that the sum of solutions of the equations {1 / 3 + 2Y = k, 4 / 3x + 4Y = K-4} about X and Y is - 3. From 1 / 2, find the value of K, and find the equations

1 / 3x + 2Y = KX + 6y = 3K ① 4 / 3x + 4Y = k-44x + 12Y = 3k-12x + 3Y = 3K / 4-3 ② x + y = - 7 / 2 ③ ① - ③ 5Y = 3K + 7 / 2 ② - ③ 2Y = 3K / 4-3 + 7 / 2, so y = (3K + 7 / 2) / 5 = (3K / 4 + 1 / 2) / 26k + 7 = 15K / 4 + 5 / 29K / 4 = - 9 / 2K = - 2Y = (3K + 7 / 2) / 5 = - 1 / 2x = - 7 / 2-x = - 3

During the new year's day, the shopping malls carried out sales promotion activities. A color TV set reduced its price by 20%. The current price is equivalent to several percent of the original price


58 divided by 5 is equivalent to ()

58 divided by 5 is the quotient of (5 / 58)

4x-2y = 5, 3x-4y = 15. What are the solutions of the equations?


When you go to the mall to buy goods with the original price of 567 yuan, the poster says that you can reduce the price by one twelfth if you buy more than 200 yuan. Do you really need to pay?

Actual payment = 567 × (1-1 / 12) = 519.25 yuan

How many kilograms is 2.58 tons


It is not allowed to use X and Y solutions, and only one unknown x can be set at most
There are 36 pennies in total, which are worth 0.99 yuan. How many more pennies are there than 5 pennies?

Suppose there are x dimes, then there are 36-x dimes, 2 × x + 5 × (36-x) = 99: x = 27, there are 27 dimes, 9 dimes, 18 more than 5 dimes

During the promotion period of a shopping mall, it is stipulated that all the commodities in the shopping mall will be sold at 80% of the marked price. At the same time, after the customers spend a certain amount of money in the shopping mall, they will follow the following plan
The range of consumption amount x (yuan) 200 ≤ a

For goods between 700 and 800 yuan (including 700 and 800 yuan), set the price as X Yuan, 0.8x-130 = 2x / 3x = 975 yuan, and 780 yuan after 20% discount. For goods between 700 and 800 yuan (including 700 and 800 yuan), set the price as 5 yuan