For a watch, the price first increases by 110, and then decreases by 110. At this time, the price is 49.5 yuan. How much is the original price of this watch?

For a watch, the price first increases by 110, and then decreases by 110. At this time, the price is 49.5 yuan. How much is the original price of this watch?

A: the original price of this watch is 50 yuan

1. A quartz watch, first 10% increase in price, then 10% decrease in price, when the price is 49.5 yuan. How much is the original price?

49.5*0.9=55 55*1.1=50

The original price of a commodity is 150 yuan, which is reduced by 10% first and then increased by 10%. How much is the current price?


Master Zhang and master Li worked together for 4.5 hours to process 225 machine parts. The ratio of work efficiency between master Zhang and master Li was 3:2
How many parts are processed per hour?
A and B walk from a and B at the same time. A walks 100 meters per minute. The speed ratio between a and B is 5:4. They just finish 3 / 5 of the whole journey. How many meters are there between a and B?
Before the rectification of Internet cafes, the ratio of 200 students who have not been to Internet cafes and those who have been to Internet cafes is 3:7; after the rectification, the ratio of 200 students who have not been to Internet cafes and those who have been to Internet cafes is 9:1?

1. 225 △ 4.5 = 50 (pieces)
50 ÷ (3 + 2) = 10
Sheet: 10 × 3 = 30
Li: 10 × 2 = 20
2. 10 △ 5 × 4 = 80 (M / min)
(100 + 80) × 5 = 900 (m)
900 △ 3 / 5 = 1500 (m)
3. 200 × 7 / 10 = 140 (person)
200 × 1 / 40 = 20 (person)
140-20 = 120 (person)

People's education press six mathematics homework page P32 answers

What about the title? I don't have that book right now

Master Liu and master Li process a batch of parts together. Master Liu processes 13 parts in 6 minutes, and master Li processes 17 parts in 8 minutes. Whose work efficiency is high?
What's the formula

Master Liu is efficient
The least common multiple of 6 and 8 is 24,

Answers on page 35 of the sixth grade mathematics homework

1. 18 cm 450 M2 8 cc 0 -. 01 L
2. 1:15 2 ha 500 sq m 1250 sq cm 2.05l = 2050
4. 26 episodes
5 60 △ 3 / 5 = 100
100 △ 80 = 1.25 1.25 × 130 = 162.5 (km) greater than 100 km
A: in time

Master Li made 250 machine parts in the morning. According to this effect, he made three hours in the afternoon. How many parts did Master Li make in this day
Using proportional knowledge to solve the problem

4 hours in the morning
Set up x in the afternoon
Take 188
250 + 188 = 438 in one day

What's the answer to page 20 of the sixth grade math assignment book

1、 1:4 3x = 12
2: 4X = 80
3: 3x in 10 = 150
2、 (1) 3x = 48, the final result is 64
(2) 5 out of 6 x = 75 and the final result is 90
3、 (1) there are about X species of three famous flowers in the world
77 out of 100 = 1270, the final result is 1649
(2) Suppose the variety of Gentiana in the world is X
23 out of 40 = 230, and the final result is 400
(3) Let the Rhododendron of the world be X
Three out of six is 650, and the final result is 3647
Hoo hoo, I'm so tired Hope to be selected Oh, oh~~~

Master Li can process 3 parts in 4 hours, and Master Wang can process 4 parts in 5 hours. Whose work efficiency is high?

Master Wang Gao
Master Li's efficiency: 3 / 4 = 0.75;
Master Wang's efficiency: 4 / 5 = 0.8;