17. The original price of a computer is a yuan. After a reduction of M yuan, the price is reduced by 20%. The current price is_______ Yuan. 18. The area of the biological garden will be as large as possible if a 16m long fence is used to form a circular biological garden and rabbits are raised_______ M2. (result retention π)

17. The original price of a computer is a yuan. After a reduction of M yuan, the price is reduced by 20%. The current price is_______ Yuan. 18. The area of the biological garden will be as large as possible if a 16m long fence is used to form a circular biological garden and rabbits are raised_______ M2. (result retention π)

The price of a computer is reduced by 20% for the first time and 20% for the second time. The price is ()%

1. If the original price is x, it will be 80% X after the first reduction, and 80% * 80% * x = 64% X after the second reduction, so the price is 64% of the original price
2. For 25% discount supply, the selling price is 75% x, so the original price minus the current price is (1-75%) x = 25% x, so the current price is 25% lower than the original price

The original price of a computer is 6000 yuan. Now it's reduced by 20%. What's the current price