Calculation: (- 198) + (- 197) + (- 100) + (- 99) + (- 98)

Calculation: (- 198) + (- 197) + (- 100) + (- 99) + (- 98)

The original formula = - (198 + 197 + 100 + 99 + 98) = - 692

How many 1 / 5 are there in math problem 1 of grade three in primary school

There are five fifths in one

Ask a math problem
The volume of the two cylindrical buckets is equal. The bottom radius of bucket A is 1.5 times that of bucket B. bucket B is 25 cm higher than bucket A. what are the heights of buckets A and B?
Thank you. A simpler solution~~~

Suppose the height of barrel a is x cm and that of barrel B is x + 25 cm
It is assumed that the bottom radius of barrel B is R and that of barrel a is 1.5R
X = 20 cm

There are 100 pages. I have finished 80. What percentage of the book is left?

20 percent

A store sells color TV sets at a 20% discount on the price. At this time, the profit margin of each color TV set is 5%. The price of each color TV set is 4000 yuan. How much is the price of the color TV set
mathematical problem

Set the price of color TV set as X Yuan

After 20% discount, the price of a laptop is 4800 yuan. What's the original price of this laptop______ The current price is lower than the original price______ Yuan

4800 △ 80% = 6000 (yuan) 6000-4800 = 1200 (yuan) answer: the original price of a laptop is 6000 yuan, and the current price is 1200 yuan cheaper than the original price

The original price of a laptop is 6000 yuan, but the current price is 10% lower than the original price. How much is the current price?

The current price is 6000 × (1-10%) = 5400 yuan

The current price of a laptop is 5400 yuan, which is 600 yuan lower than the original price. What percentage of the original price is it? What percentage of the original price is it
How many percent higher than the original price? How many percent lower than the original price

The original price is the percentage of the current price 5400 + 600 = 6000 yuan 5400 △ 6000 = 90% the current price is the percentage of the original price 5400 + 600 = 6000 yuan 6000 △ 5400 = 111.1% the original price is higher than the current price by (6000-5400) △ 5400 = 11.1% the current price is lower than the original price by (6000-5400) △ 6000 = 10%

The original price of a commodity is 70 yuan, which first increases by 20% and then decreases by 20%. How much is the current price of this commodity

70 × (1 + 20%) × (1-20%) = 70 × 1.2 × 0.8 = 67.2 yuan
The current price of this product is 67.2 yuan

The original price of the goods to be sold is a yuan. There are two options: 1. First increase the price by 20% and then reduce the price by 20%; 2. First reduce the price by 20% and then increase the price by 20%
1. Whether the two price adjustment schemes are the same? Explain the reason. Note: calculate formula. 2. Whether the results of the two price adjustment schemes are restored to the original price. Note: calculate formula

If your goods are not guided by the government, you can decide the way of sale by yourself with the permission of the price bureau