The price of a commodity is reduced by 20% at first, and then by 20%. How many percent is the current price lower than the original price, and how many percent is the current price increased before it can return to the original price? I'll have it in a minute

The price of a commodity is reduced by 20% at first, and then by 20%. How many percent is the current price lower than the original price, and how many percent is the current price increased before it can return to the original price? I'll have it in a minute

The current price is (1-20%) of the original price x (1-20%) = 64%
The current price is 1-64% lower than the original price = 36%
The current price needs to rise (1-64%) / 64% = 56.25% to return to the original price

After a price reduction of 28 yuan, the price of a commodity is 42 yuan. How much is the current price lower than the original price?


1. The price of a certain commodity is increased by a quarter and then decreased by a sixth. What percentage of the original price is the current price?

Encounter this kind of problem, assume original commodity price is 100
A quarter increase is 125
If you cut the price by one sixth, it will become 5 / 6, that is 104.17
That's 104.67 percent

What percentage of the original price is the current price?

Current price = (1 + 1 / 6) × (1-1 / 7) = 1
The present price is 100% of the original price