Mother bought a dress, after 20% discount, 148 yuan cheaper than the original price. How much is the original price of this dress?

Mother bought a dress, after 20% discount, 148 yuan cheaper than the original price. How much is the original price of this dress?


20% off clothes, my mother bought a 15 yuan cheaper than the original price. How much is the original price of this dress? Ask God for help

75 yuan. A 20% discount is 80%

In a shopping mall, some goods were sold at a discount. My mother spent 240 yuan on a dress in the mall, which was 60 yuan cheaper than the original price?

A: the current price is 80% of the original price, that is 20% discount

Use a to indicate the original price of the goods in the shopping mall, and sell them at 20% discount. The current price is______ Yuan, a piece of clothes with the original price of 200 yuan can be cheaper now______ Yuan

(1) A × 80% = 0.8A (yuan); (2) 200 × (1-80%), = 200 × 0.2, = 40 (yuan). Answer: the current price is 0.8A yuan. A piece of clothes with the original price of 200 yuan can be 40 yuan cheaper after 20% discount

On the national day, all the goods in the shopping mall are sold at a 25% discount. My mother bought a dress 240 yuan cheaper than the original price. How much is the original price

Suppose the original price is x yuan
x-75%x=240 (1-0.75 ) x=240
Answer: the original price is 960 yuan
If you don't learn equations, you can do the same
240 △ 75% = 960 yuan

The original price of a commodity is m. if the price is reduced by 15%, the actual price is (), which is a discount of () of the original price

15% off

How much is the original price if the price of a commodity is m yuan after 20% reduction?

Hope to help you

The price of a commodity is reduced by 15% after it is reduced by 15%. How many% of the original price is the price after two price reductions

After two times, it is 27.25% of the original price

The price of a commodity is 170 yuan after 15% reduction______ Yuan

170 △ 1-15% = 170 △ 85% = 200 yuan a: the original price is 200 yuan, so the answer is: 200 yuan

If a commodity is sold after a 20% reduction in price, and if it wants to recover its original price after a period of time, what is the percentage that should be increased on the basis of the selling price?
In order to solve the equation of one variable, there must be many processes

If the percentage that should be increased on the basis of the selling price is x, there are: