A cuboid wooden box is 1 meter long and 12 decimeters wide. How many decimeter square boards do you need to make this wooden box?

A cuboid wooden box is 1 meter long and 12 decimeters wide. How many decimeter square boards do you need to make this wooden box?

1 meter = 10 decimeters
Surface area of cuboid = (L × W + L × H + W × h) × 2
=372 (square decimeter)
A: do you need at least 372 square decimeters of wood to make this wooden box?

There is a kind of cuboid wooden box without cover, which is 1 meter long, 5 decimeters wide and 4 decimeters high. How many boards do you need at least to make 60 such wooden boxes

1 meter = 10 decimeters

A rectangular wooden box, its low is a square, 25 meters, the volume is 2.718 cubic meters, find the length of the bottom of the wooden box

Let X be the length of the bottom edge
X = 1.4746m