When a, the solution set of the linear inequality (A-1) with respect to x greater than 1 is that x is less than 1 / 1 of A-1

When a, the solution set of the linear inequality (A-1) with respect to x greater than 1 is that x is less than 1 / 1 of A-1

(A-1) x > 1; the solution set is x < 1 / (A-1);
If you don't understand this question, you can ask,

If (A-1) x + 3-1, then a =?


If the coefficients of one unknowns in two equations are equal or opposite to each other, the two equations should be added, subtracted and eliminated. Otherwise, one equation should be multiplied by an appropriate number to add and subtract the equation and the other equation, or the two equations should be subtracted or added by an appropriate number respectively

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