English translation UNIKA, a Japanese firm, has developed a man made fiber which changes sunlight into thermal energy and keeps the week up to 10 ℃ warmer than ordinaryfibers

English translation UNIKA, a Japanese firm, has developed a man made fiber which changes sunlight into thermal energy and keeps the week up to 10 ℃ warmer than ordinaryfibers

UNIKA, a Japanese company, has developed a man-made fiber that converts sunlight into heat, making the wearer 10 degrees Celsius higher than other fibers

English translation
Needless to say the boy she most wants to take care of is the one who has been of most importance to her.He is just her brother instead of boyfriend,isn't he?Or I have no chances to hang out with her,which our relationship is going nowhere,I shoud let her go without expectations that she will come back and turn smiling face to me.

Needless to say, the boy she wants to take care of is the most important one for her. He is just her brother, not her boyfriend, isn't he? Or I didn't have the chance to go out with her. Our relationship is fruitless. I should let go and don't expect him to come back and greet me with a smile

English translation
never receive presents or money from any stranger that you meet online without your parent's permission

Never accept gifts or money from strangers you know online without your parents' permission

English translation
On 27 Ferbruary 2008,something unusual happened in Britain; there was a rather large earthquake .
It was the biggest U.K earthquake in 25 years.There have been very minor ones in the past but they were not significant compared to this one.It was felt across the country ,from Edinburgh ,Scotland in the north down to the far south coast of England.
It was felt across the country, from Edinburgh, Scotland in the north down to the far south coast of England

On February 27, 2008, an unusual thing happened in Britain. It was a strong earthquake. It was the strongest earthquake in Britain in 25 years. There were many small earthquakes in Britain before, but none of them could be compared with the strong earthquake. The earthquake affected the whole country, from Edinburgh, Scotland, the northernmost part, to the southern coast of England

Help translate 2 English sentences. Online and so on. Urgent!
First select a subject and then assign other main elements to it
The whole picture highlights the important elements of Party and time
The whole picture highlights the important elements of Party and time. The abstract element of time is effectively combined with the picture!

first ,find one element as the principal part ,then attach other major ones on it .combine the abstract element ,time,effectively with the whole picture,so that the important element such as time and ...

English translation
Ask the English teacher to translate this sentence,
It was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face…

For the first time in a year and a half, I met night

A study on the combination of universal sentence and Chinese translation in senior high school English composition

1. About People have different opinions. Some people think that There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____ 2. As the saying goes It is the experience of our predecessors, but even today, it is still on many occasions

English translation
The first is synonymous sentence conversion, no empty word
Where have you put the broken vase?
Where have you put the vase _ _
The astonished children were not able to say anything.
The children _ _ _ were not able to say anything.
We all know that he is a well-known scientist.
We all know that he is a scientist _ _ _ .
The stolen car was found two days later.
The car _ _ _ _ was found two days later.
The newly-built hospital is very modern.
The hospital _ _ _ _ _ is very modern.
The next step is to translate the sentences, using the words in brackets
Outside the park, my activities are limited to the neighborhood (aprt from; movement; neighborhood)
It is difficult to draw a conclusion without enough evidence
These scientific explorations will contribute to the success of our project
Eiffel was enthusiastic about his plan to build the tower, which made him famous
Put forward; be careful to; join in
Who is the first person to oppose "geocentrism"
Although his writing is not very interesting, Fred is sure that he will get high marks

1、 Where have you put the broken vase? = where have you put the vase (which / that was broken)? 2

High school English sentence translation
Although I am not a scholar of modern art, the idea of going to the exhibition is very attractive to me
(scholar , contemporary , exhibition , appeal to )
2. Do you know that geometry has been used to sketch paintings in traditional western art
3. Clay pot is very fragile, so it needs to be handled carefully (clay, fragile)
4. The visual effects of Renaissance murals are still impressive today
5. Egyptian civilization attracts tourists from all over the world
6. I have not only seen the great sculptor himself, but also witnessed with my own eyes how he carved marble figures in the flesh, carve, marble, figure

Although I am not a scholar of modern art, the idea of going to the exhibition is very attractive to me
(scholar ,contemporary ,exhibition ,appeal to )
Although I am not a scholar of contemporaty art,the exhibiton still appeals to me.
2. Do you know that geometry has been used to sketch paintings in traditional western art
Do you know that geometry was once used to sketch some drawings in the tradional western art?
3. Clay pot is very fragile, so it needs to be handled carefully (clay, fragile)
The clay jar is fragile.Therefore ,it must be carefully handled with.
4. The visual effects of Renaissance murals are still impressive today
The visual effect in the wall paintings of the Renaissance is still imprssive for us today.
5. Egyptian civilization attracts tourists from all over the world
The Egypt civilization attarcts tourists from all over the world.
6. I have not only seen the great sculptor himself, but also witnessed with my own eyes how he carved marble figures in the flesh, carve, marble, figure
Not olny did I meet the great sculptor,but also I witnessed how he carved the marble figures in the flesh.

English translation
I'm not sure whose book is
John mentioned the names of several judges. He didn't think highly of them
There is no doubt that the search for the lost cultural relics will continue

I'm not sure whose book is
I'm uncertain about whose this book is.
Or: I'm not sure about whom book this is
John mentioned the names of several judges. He didn't think highly of them
John mentioned some names of the judges,who he didn't think highly of.
Or: John mented some names of the judges, of whom he didn't think highly
There is no doubt that the search for the lost cultural relics will continue
There is no doubt that the work of searching for the lost cultural relics will still go on / continue.