What are the pronunciation of the solution?

What are the pronunciation of the solution?

The following results are explained in a dictionary provided by the Chinese dictionary. The first stroke of the first stroke of the first stroke of the first stroke of the first stroke of the first stroke of the first stroke of the first stroke of the first stroke of the first stroke of the first stroke of the first stroke of the first stroke of the first stroke of the first stroke of the first stroke of the first stroke of the first stroke of the first stroke of the first stroke of the first stroke of the first stroke of the first stroke of the first stroke of the first stroke of the first stroke of the first stroke of the first stroke of the first stroke of the first stroke of the first stroke of the first stroke of the first stroke of the first stroke of the first stroke

In order to understand () open this rope, Xie () Xiaobao uses all his body to solve () several times

Three tones
Xie four tones
Xie four tones

Mr. Chen's family life is much better than before
What are the words in this sentence?
I have something to add
This question is from a book. He said the correct answer is
It's all right
There was no birth
Who is the teacher? Can you help me to have a look
Give me an exact answer
Please indicate the teacher when you answer

Mr. Chen's family life is much better than before
It's raw