Well, what's the pronunciation like in pinyin? Is the pronunciation of en and ER different?

Well, what's the pronunciation like in pinyin? Is the pronunciation of en and ER different?

What kind of sound does Pinyin sound like?
EN is the standard sound of the mouth
Ng is a nasal sound made with the nose
Well, is it the same as en?
Not the same, see the reason!

Find the English pronunciation combination similar to zh è ng (Chinese Pinyin) and this w à ng

There is no tone in English pronunciation, just as foreigners pronounce our names for the first time

Is the pronunciation of "an" between dance and drunk the same? Is "n" similar to "n" or "ng" in pinyin“

Dance's a is American, French long a is English
The pronunciation of u in drunk is pointed
The pronunciation is different, you can listen to the specific difference
And the previous N-shot N-shot N-shot N-shot N-shot N-shot N-shot N-shot N-shot N-shot N-shot N-shot N-shot N-shot N-shot N-shot N-shot N-shot N-shot N-shot N-shot N-shot N-shot N-shot N-shot N-shot N-shot
The latter is close to ng
In English, when n is connected with K or G, it will produce a nasal sound close to Chinese ng