Calculation: 99 9 (2008 9) × 99 9 (2008 9) + 99 9 (2008 9) Urgent demand!!!

Calculation: 99 9 (2008 9) × 99 9 (2008 9) + 99 9 (2008 9) Urgent demand!!!

99… 9 (2008 9) × 99 9 (2008 9) + 99 9 (2008 9)
=99… 9 (2008 9) × 99 × (99 9 (2008 9) × 99 + 1)
=99… 9 (2008 9) × 99 × 10 ^ 2008
=99… 900… 0 (2008 9 followed by 2008 0)

10-1 / 2 * 10 / 11 =? 4 / 25 * 101-4 / 25 =? 98 * 2 / 99 =? 2008 / 2009 * 2008 =? If you want to simplify the calculation, you can't do without points

10-1 / 2 * 10 / 11 = 10-5 / 11 = 9 and 6 / 11
4/25*101-4/25=4/25*(101-1)= 4/25*100=16
98 * 2 / 99 = (99-1) * 2 / 99 = 2-2 / 99 = 1 and 97 / 99
2008 / 2009 * 2008 = 2008 / 2009 * (2009-1) = 2008-2008 / 2009 = 2007 and 1 / 2009

In 1997 * 2010 + 20101998 * 2009 + 20091999 * 2008 + 2008, the maximum formula is

The biggest formula is 1999 * 2008 + 20081997 * 2010 + 2010 = 1998 * 2010 = (1999-1) * (2009 = 1) = 1999 * 2009-2009 = 1999-1 = 1999 * 2009-111998 * 2009 + 2009 = 1999 * 20091999 * 2008 + 2008 = 000 * 2008 = (1999 + 1) * (2009-1) = 1999 * 2009 + 2009-1999-1 = 1999

A mathematical problem, fast. Half: one third to one fourth into the simplest integer ratio

Multiply the numerator and denominator by 12 to get the answer

How to calculate 25 * 37 / 43 + 37 * 18 / 43?


A simple calculation method of 25 * 43 * 877 * 50 * 6


Use your brain to calculate 25 × 37 × 4 125 × 7 × 8 25 × 43 × 8 77 × 50 × 6


How to calculate 32 times 25 times 50


A simple calculation method of (95.43-3.43) * 1.43

(95.43-3.43)*1.43 = 131.56

How can 4300 / 125 / 8 be regarded as simple
