I want to ask some math questions Find the rules and fill in the numbers: 0, 3, 8, (), (), 35

I want to ask some math questions Find the rules and fill in the numbers: 0, 3, 8, (), (), 35

Square minus 1

I want to ask you a few math problems
But also the process

1. Numerator = 267 + 894 * (124-1) = 894 * 124-627 = denominator, so the first question gets 1
So the second question is 0

Mathematics problems of administrative ability test
How many singles matches should be arranged for 100 men and women to take part in the knockout of table tennis singles
a(90) b(95) c(98) d(99)
Which one to choose? I suddenly find myself so stupid
The process of solving the problem is more specific. I don't understand the problem on the first floor and the second floor, especially what division means. Thank you for being more specific

In fact, the second floor of the answer is already very complete, I give the landlord decomposition once again
How to solve the problem
Suppose there are x men and Y women, and the number of games to be played is Z
Because the total number of people is 100, we can get: x + y = 100
In order to produce one male and one female champion, it can be introduced that there is no mixed competition between men and women, that is, men and men play, women and women play
In order to become a champion, we must defeat all opponents except ourselves, that is, the men's champion must compete with X-1, that is, X-1. Similarly, the women's championship is Y-1, that is, z = (x-1) + (Y-1)
Remove brackets: z = X-1 + Y-1 = x + Y-2
Substituting the above x + y = 100, we can get z = x + Y-2 = 100-2 = 98
Choose C

Administrative test math questions a, B, C running?
A, B and c run the 800 meter race along the 400 meter circular track. When a runs a lap, B runs 1 / 7 more than a lap, C runs 7 / 1 less than a lap. If their respective running speeds remain unchanged, how many meters will a be in front of C when they reach the finish line?
I have a puzzle about this topic. Since their speed is constant, the distance between them should never change. So when B arrives at the end, a is still 1 / 7 lap less, and C is the same. Then the distance between C and a is 1 / 7 lap, which should be 400 divided by 7, which is more than 57 meters. I know this method is wrong, but I still can't figure it out. Please solve the puzzle
Note that their speed is always the same, so they won't stretch the distance when they run. Two laps are 2 / 7 absolutely wrong

B runs 1 / 7 lap more than a, B; a speed 8; 7; the same a; C = 7; 6. B, a, C speed ratio is 8:7:6, so B runs 80 at the end

My father asked my brother and sister to help me with a math problem!
I'm 11 years old this year. My father gave me a test yesterday and asked me to do it tomorrow. I can't do it. Please help me, or I'll be scolded again!
LIM (x → infinity) [(x + a) / (x-a)] ^ x = 4, find a
Using the formula of LIM (x → infinity) [1 + (1 / x)] ^ x = e, divide the numerator denominator in the formula by X
Original formula = LIM (x → infinity) [(1 + (A / x)) / (1 - (A / x)] ^ x = 4
=LIM (x → infinity) [(1 + (A / x)) / (1 + (- A / x)] ^ x = 4
Let 1 / u = A / x, then x = Au
After substituting
=LIM (x → infinity) [(1 + (1 / U))] ^ UA / (1 + (1 / U)] ^ - UA = 4
That is = (e ^ a) / (e ^ - a) = 4
How to find a?

Take natural logarithm on both sides

When I was doing a math problem, I couldn't think of a solution. Just when I was () my father gave me a point to pull it out, and I suddenly became enlightened
Please fill in the poem!

No way out
Another village with hidden willows and bright flowers

There was a math problem last night, and I racked my brains. Just when I was () my father came over, and he pulled it out a little bit, and I was suddenly enlightened. It's really ()
Mountains and rivers, doubt no way, another village

Mountains and rivers, no road, another village with hidden willows and bright flowers

Last night, there was a math problem that I couldn't solve. Just when I was young, my father came to me. After his help, I suddenly became enlightened. It's really amazing
Two blank lines to fill in. I want the answer now

There was a math problem last night. I racked my brains and couldn't figure out how to solve it. Just when I (didn't know the true face of Lushan Mountain, just because I was in the mountain), my father came up to me. With his help, I was suddenly enlightened

There was a math problem last night. I racked my brains and couldn't figure out how to solve it. Just when I was (), my father came up to me. With his help, I suddenly became enlightened. It's really amazing
How to fill in ancient poems in brackets

The mountains and rivers are heavy, and there is no way out
Do you want to fill in the first bracket? If you do, just separate the sentence above
Just when I (the mountains are heavy and the waters are full of doubts and there is no way out)
It's really (another village with dark willows and bright flowers)

Three years ago, Jingjing and her father were 45 years old. Her father is 35 years older than Jingjing. How old is her father this year? How old is Jingjing? (solved by equation)

Jingjing is x years old this year
Jingjing is 8 years old and her father is 43 years old