This year, the age of father and daughter is 52 years old. Six years later, the age of father is three times that of daughter. What are the ages of father and daughter?

This year, the age of father and daughter is 52 years old. Six years later, the age of father is three times that of daughter. What are the ages of father and daughter?

Father X; daughter y

According to this kind of charging standard, 1. Write the relationship between Y (yuan) and X (min). 2. How much yuan should a mobile phone user pay for 180min this month? 3. If the user pays 100 yuan in advance this month, how long can he talk this month?

2. When x = 180
y=0.25 x
3. When y = 100
25X = 100

The charging standard of mobile phone fee of a telecommunication company is shown in the table below
Talk time x (min) 0

(1) Y 1 = 1.2 yuan, y 2 = 1.8 yuan, y 3 = 1.8 yuan
(2) Given a value of X, y has a unique and definite value corresponding to it. Y is a function of X
In fact, it is very clear in (1)
When 0

Xiao Hong made a local call to her father for six minutes, and then made a long distance call, which cost 2.1 yuan in total
What's the talk time of long distance call
Indoor telephone: 0.2 yuan for the first three minutes and 0.1 yuan for every minute thereafter
Long distance call: 0.1 yuan per ten seconds

Set the long distance call time to X
Local telephone charges:
0.2 + 0.1 (6-3) = 0.5 (yuan)
The call time of a long distance call is 160 seconds or two minutes and forty seconds

The charge of local call: 0.2 yuan for the first 3 minutes, 0.1 yuan for each minute later; the charge of long-distance call: 0.1 yuan for every 10 seconds. Ding Ding made a local call to his father for 6 minutes, and then made a long-distance call, which cost 2.1 yuan in total. How many seconds does Ding make a long-distance call?

Ding Ding's long-distance call amount is: 2.1 - [0.2 + (6-3) × 0.1] = 2.1 - [0.2 + 0.3], = 2.1-0.5, = 1.6 yuan; Ding Ding's long-distance call time is: 1.6 △ 0.1 × 10 = 160 seconds. A: Ding's long-distance call time is 160 seconds

One day, Wang Xiaonan made a local call to her mother for six minutes, and then made a long-distance call to her father. She spent a total of 2.6 yuan
What is the longest time of long-distance call? (local call: 0.2 yuan for the first 3 minutes, 0.1 yuan for each minute later. Long distance call: 0.15 yuan per minute, less than 1 minute is counted as 1 minute)

No, it's 12. It says that less than one minute should be counted as one minute
Local telephone charge: 3x0.2 + (6-3) x0.1 = 0.9 yuan
Toll: 2.6-0.9 = 1.7 yuan
Long distance time: 1.7 / (divided by) 0.15 = is counted as 12 minutes

For a local call, it costs 0.2 yuan in the first three minutes and 0.1 yuan per minute later. For a long-distance call, it costs 0.1 yuan per second. Ding Ding made a call for six minutes
1. It costs 2.1 yuan to make a long-distance call and a local call. How many seconds does it take to make a long-distance call

(1) 6-3 = 3 minutes 3 × 0.1 = 0.3 yuan 0.3 + 0.2 = 0.5 yuan 2.1-0.5 = 1.6 yuan 1.6 △ 0.1 = 16 × 10 = 160 seconds
(2) How much does it cost to make a long distance call in six minutes?
6 * 60 = 360 (seconds) 360 * 0.1 = 36 (yuan)

The relationship between telephone charge and call time in a city is as follows: call time is 1 minute, call fee is (0.3 + 0.6) yuan. Call time is 2 minutes, call fee is (0.6 + 0.6) yuan. Call time is 3 minutes, call fee is (0.9 + 0.6) yuan Ask (1) write down the formula of the telephone charge y expressed by the call time x; (2) how much is a person's telephone charge for 8 minutes in a certain call? (3) if the person pays the telephone charge of 24 yuan in a certain month, how much is the accumulated call time in that month?

X=8 Y=3

The relationship between telephone charge and call time in a city is as follows: call time is 1 minute, call fee is (0.3 + 0.6) yuan. Call time is 2 minutes, call fee is (0.6 + 0.6) yuan. Call time is 3 minutes, call fee is (0.9 + 0.6) yuan How much is the call fee? (x) how much is the call fee for one minute?

(1) How much is the call charge? 0.3x + 0.6
(2) How much is the call charge for 50 minutes? 0.3 * 50 + 0.6 = 15.6

The relationship between call time and call cost is as follows: call time x / min 1 2 3 4 call cost Y / yuan 4.5 5.5 6
1. The functional relationship between the call cost y and the call time x is expressed by analytic expression
2. Find the corresponding value of y when x = 1.5

Let y = KX + B (K0)
Substituting (1,4.5) (2,5)
The analytic formula is y = 1 / 2x + 4
When x = 1.5, y = 4 / 19