The theme of Shanghai World Expo is "Better City, better life". In order to promote low-carbon life, solar water heater is widely used in modern life. The following table provides the relevant information of a solar water heater filled with water under solar irradiation: solar irradiation time / h, efficiency of solar energy conversion into internal energy of water, maximum water capacity / L 10 50% 100 Temperature of water rising / ℃ specific heat capacity of water [J · (kg ·℃) - 1] density of water / (kg · M-3) 604.2 × 103 1.0 × 103 note: 1L = 10-3m3, please answer the question through calculation according to the above table. (1) the quality of water in water heater is______ (2) the heat to be absorbed by the water in the water heater is______ J. (3) the average solar energy received by the water heater is about 1 hour______ J.

The theme of Shanghai World Expo is "Better City, better life". In order to promote low-carbon life, solar water heater is widely used in modern life. The following table provides the relevant information of a solar water heater filled with water under solar irradiation: solar irradiation time / h, efficiency of solar energy conversion into internal energy of water, maximum water capacity / L 10 50% 100 Temperature of water rising / ℃ specific heat capacity of water [J · (kg ·℃) - 1] density of water / (kg · M-3) 604.2 × 103 1.0 × 103 note: 1L = 10-3m3, please answer the question through calculation according to the above table. (1) the quality of water in water heater is______ (2) the heat to be absorbed by the water in the water heater is______ J. (3) the average solar energy received by the water heater is about 1 hour______ J.

(1) M = ρ v = 1.0 × 103kg / m3 × 100 × 10-3m3 = 100kg; (2) q = cm △ t = 4.2 × 103J / (kg ·℃) × 100kg × 60 ℃ = 2.52 × 107j; (3) the average solar energy received by the water heater in 10h is: Q η = 2.52 × 107j50% = 5.04 × 107j. Then the average solar energy received in 1H is: 110 × 5.04 × 107j = 5.04 × 106j, so the answer is: (1) 100, (2) 2.52 × 107, (3) 5.04 × 106

Write a passage with "Expo, Shanghai, earth, volunteers, city, low carbon"

During the Expo, volunteers saw the application of wind power and solar energy in the Shanghai ecological home (Pavilion) and thought that if we make good use of wind power and solar energy, we can achieve the goal of low carbon on the earth and reduce the pollution of cities due to thermal power generation

Xiao Zhang and his father are scheduled to take the bus at home to the railway station to visit his grandfather in his hometown. Half the way, Xiao Zhang asks the driver when he arrives at the railway station. The driver estimates that the train will just leave when he continues to take the bus to the railway station. According to the driver's advice, Xiao Zhang and his father immediately get off the bus and take a taxi. The speed is doubled, so they catch the fire The bus arrives at the railway station 15 minutes before departure. It is known that the average speed of the bus is 30 km / h. how far is it from Xiaozhang to the railway station?

According to the time difference, we can set up a linear equation of one variable: 160x-1120 x = 14, that is: 1120 x = 14, the solution is: x = 30 km