The distance between the two places is 375 kilometers. A and B start from the two places at the same time and travel in opposite directions. The speed of a car is 1.5 times that of B car. The two cars meet in three hours, so we can find a way for a and B cars Velocity (solution of equation)

The distance between the two places is 375 kilometers. A and B start from the two places at the same time and travel in opposite directions. The speed of a car is 1.5 times that of B car. The two cars meet in three hours, so we can find a way for a and B cars Velocity (solution of equation)

Suppose the speed of car B is x km / h, and the speed of car a is 1.5x km / h (x + 1.5x) × 3 = 3752.5x × 3 = 3757.5x = 375x = 375 △ 7.5x = 50. The speed of car a is 50 × 1.5 = 75 km / h. solution 2: the speed of car a: the speed of car B = 1.5:1 = 3:2 and 375 △ 3 = 125 km / h

After driving from a and B for 1.2 hours, the two vehicles are 435 kilometers apart. According to the same speed, they start for 4.2 hours and meet each other. A and B are far away______ Kilometers

435 △ 4.2-1.2) × 4.2 = 435 △ 3 × 4.2 = 609 (km) answer: the distance between the two places is 609 km