There are 132 feet and 58 heads in the same cage. How many chickens are there? How many rabbits are there?

There are 132 feet and 58 heads in the same cage. How many chickens are there? How many rabbits are there?

If there were 58 chickens, there were 116 feet
There are 132 rabbits: (132-116) / 2 = 8
So there are eight white rabbits and 50 chickens

There are 51 heads and 172 legs in the same cage. How many are there in each cage?

(172-51 × 2) △ 4-2, = (172-102) △ 2, = 70 △ 2, = 35, 51-35 = 16. A: there are 16 chickens and 35 rabbits

There are 30 heads and 88 feet in the same cage. How many chickens and rabbits are there

There are 16 chickens and 14 rabbits
This is a quadratic equation of one variable. Let x chickens and Y rabbits be solved
The solution is x = 16, y = 14
There are 16 chickens and 14 rabbits