Inspiration of life 500 word composition

Inspiration of life 500 word composition

The Enlightenment of the exam is another exam. Every exam will get a lesson or some experience. The Enlightenment of this exam is: negligence always exists. After taking the math exam, I feel very good. The paper is very simple and the questions are smooth. Then I check it carefully and make sure it's all right. I always have a hope in my heart

500 words of inspiration composition in life

Life is always wonderful. It can be said that I am a beneficiary of life, because I got the inspiration of life and changed myself. Walking in the park alone, I met an old man who was sitting by the river fishing alone, which was convenient for him to talk about. The old man with white hair told me: "after a whole day of fishing, I only caught a small

Inspiration from life, composition 500 words, hee hee!

800 words of composition
About love, persistence, gratitude, optimism, tolerance, dedication, integrity, cherish, strong, self-confidence

Yesterday, I read the fragment about honesty. I'm very inspired. Since ancient times, this reputation of honesty is really many. Let's take it as the foundation, do everything well and never break our promise
Honesty and credit has been a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation since ancient times. Confucius said, "people without faith don't know what they can do". For many years, this sentence has been edifying and enlightening us. Yes, honesty and credit is silent, but its power is huge. With it, the title of ancient civilization is more vital; with it, the power of personality is stronger
Only then is more huge; has it, the national step only then is more sonorous powerful
Honesty is a quality of life. In a person's life, there can be no money, there can be no honor, but there must be no honesty. "People, honesty, faith for the day." with it, you can get along with others more harmonious; with it, your life can be more moist; with it, your life can be more colorful
Honesty is a kind of spiritual realm of life. How many people with insight abide by it all their lives; how many talented people and beautiful women are moved by it all their lives. It is based on righteousness and transcendence, which is the essence of our life. With it, we can have the promise of "a gentleman's word is hard to catch up"; with it, we can have the land of eternal life. It can transcend the hardships, losses and intrigues of life, In order to pursue the true sense of self - life value as the goal, there is no trace of hypocrisy and eager for quick success
Honesty is a life attitude, a style, a gentleman's style, and the highest spiritual realm of being a man
Because of honesty, Haier has raised the banner of sincerity forever; because of honesty, there is a rolling wave of Haier on the Rhine River; because of honesty, the Chinese nation can be among the nations in the world
In the backpack of our life, honesty is always the best weapon to move forward. In the wave of market economy, we should learn to choose honesty
If you choose honesty, it is more authentic than honor. There is no plain sailing life, and there is no empire that will never lose. "If you don't accumulate small steps, you can't reach thousands of miles; if you don't accumulate small streams, you can't become a river." honor is high, it's not long. It's just a short moment in life, but honesty is not. As long as you insist, it's just like the foundation you build high buildings, Always flowing in your life
It's more important to choose honesty than beauty. It's true that beautiful appearance makes people yearn for it, but honesty is more real and reliable than it. A person can't have gorgeous appearance, but can't lose other people's minimum trust in you
In this materialistic age, the temptation of money is huge, but the value of honesty is higher. Because of this, many businesses spend a lot of money to build their own image, in order to get the recognition and trust of others, A man with a stink of copper is just like Balzac's Grande in the end. Honesty can cheer and recharge people at any time, and make your life full and full
Without honesty, the nation will not get development; without honesty, the individual will not get trust. I hope our life can be less suspicious and hypocritical, more sincere and honest

Composition: learning methods or tips in life, 350 words,
Go out without saying it!

Learning tips students, do you have a lot of learning tips? Now maowo will tell you two tips in my study! The first is to "break the casserole and ask to the end". In fact, I'm not too smart. However, I like to ask the teacher if I have any questions in class. Sometimes, the students in the class will

How to write the composition of life tips?
Come on!

It's easy, like saving
Talking about the use of old things at home
Another example is that ordinary families have many discarded boxes, such as soap boxes and toothpaste boxes. In fact, with a little cutting, they can be easily used. For example, they can be made into storage boxes, where they can put tea bags and cosmetics; they can also use instant noodle boxes, cans and yogurt bottles to make a beautiful table lamp; they can dry the tea dregs to make a tea pillow, It's comfortable and improves sleep Almost every family drinks a carton of milk every day. After the milk is swallowed, there are only isolated boxes left. Many people always throw them away. However, a better way will make them play an environmental role. First, wash the box dry, and then carefully cut off the top of the box with a knife, Then the box becomes a cuboid without a cover. Next, what you have to do is to find a beautiful piece of soft paper to wrap it up. Then, you may draw some patterns on it, and it will become more beautiful. Finally, you stand it on the table, and the milk box will change into a lovely and beautiful pen holder! Sometimes, In our home, there will be some waste paper buckets of different sizes. At that time, we can show our skills! We can take out the sundries in the cans and make them into attractive garbage cans. In this way, we can achieve "low carbon" again. In fact, it is fast and safe to remove fish scales with waste bottle caps. Five or six beer bottle or beverage bottle caps are fixed on a wooden board alternately, leaving handles, It's an absolute trick to use it to scrape fish scales!

Excerpts from American articles

Holding the sea; maybe you are just a baby eagle, but as long as you keep your heart high and fall a few times, you will eventually soar in the blue sky. 28. When the baby eagle is still waiting to feed in the nest and watch the blue sky and white clouds, it has a dream, that is, to fight with the blue sky and dance with the white clouds; when the horse rests in the fence and hisses with its head high

Article excerpt
Sad or beautiful sentences or paragraphs less than 50 words

1. Please don't pretend to be nice to me, I'm stupid, I'll take it seriously. 2. Who takes who seriously, who loves for whom. 3. Love is so short, forgetting is so long. 4. I'm still waiting for you, but you've forgotten to be here. 5. Whose loneliness covers my clothes, whose clothes cover my shoulder. 6. Can't survive the time, but can't escape the youth here. 7. The original time is long, just a misunderstanding. 8, It is to find a warm person for a lifetime. 9. After pain, you will not feel pain, some will only be a cold heart. 10. Nothing can't pass, just can't go back. 11. How strong you have to be, you can't forget. 12. You are beyond my imagination. I'm at a loss. 13. Emotional drama, I don't have acting skills. 14. A person, a city, 15. Looking at other people's stories, I shed my own tears. 16. I like myself now, I miss the past. 17. After leaving, don't say to wish me happiness, what qualifications do you have to wish me luck. 18. Have always been shallow, but deep in love. 19. That year cardamom, who Xu who the end of time. 20. I don't care you don't care about me. 21. I believe that the world will always be so beautiful. 22, I'm used to waiting for you, but I've never been used to not seeing you. 23. I'm like a beautiful family. I can go back to the past, but I can't go back to the beginning. 24. Those things that will make you trapped in the end are always beautiful at the beginning. 25. When you do right, no one will remember; when you do wrong, even breathing is wrong, When we were young, we gave up and thought that it was just a relationship. Later, we learned that it was actually a lifetime. 29. I'm sad that my heart would never die. 30. I'm very good. I don't quarrel, I don't show off, I don't feel aggrieved, I don't laugh, and I don't need others to know. 31. I'm a passer-by who you forget when you turn around, Why do you spend time with you to the end of the world? 32. As long as you don't want any more, you can put everything down. 33. Pray for heaven and earth to let go of a pair of lovers, and what you are afraid of will never happen. 34. The highest level of love is to stand the dull fleeting time. 35. The fairy tale is over, and forgetting is happiness. 36. Don't know each other at first, and don't know each other at last, I can't afford to die. 38. The weak who can't be understood have to be strong all the time. 40. Don't rely on others. It's only when you still have others to rely on. 41. Maybe the price of going too far is loneliness. 42. I miss you, and you don't miss it any more. 43. I'm nostalgic, because I can't see you and the future. 44. Don't use my kindness to me. 45. Don't cheat me, You know, even if you lie, I will believe it. 46. If you want to leave, please never come back. 47. Quarrel with the people you love, and talk to strangers. 48. Listen to sad songs, watch happy plays. 49. You just rely on me to like you. 50. This winter has not surprised me 51. Some things turn around for a lifetime. 52. I don't know each other at first, but I don't know each other at last. 53. Waiting for your concern, until I close my heart. 54. His heart has already changed the season, and you are still standing on the day he promised. 55. I'm crossing the road, where are you? 56. After walking the same street, I return to two worlds. 57. I'm happy when I miss you, Happiness is a little sad. 58. When was the last time I fell asleep with a smile? 59. What is happiness? It is to cover up my sadness and smile at everyone. 60. Unfortunate people should be stronger. 61. Happiness says to me that you are too young. 62. The most unforgettable thing is that you never think of it, but never forget it. 63. Thank you for your unfeeling, let me learn to give up. 6.4, Separation is another kind of understanding. 65. On the day you left, I decided not to shed tears. I held my eyes against the wind and tried not to blink. 66. I really love you. I closed my eyes and thought I could forget, but my tears didn't deceive me. 67. Sometimes, love is also a kind of injury. Cruel people choose to hurt others; kind people choose to hurt themselves. 68. The fish caught the bait because the fish fell in love with the fisherman, 69. I put down my dignity, personality and stubbornness, just because I can't put you down. 70. The most regretful thing in life is that I easily give up what I shouldn't give up and stubbornly insist on what I shouldn't insist on. 71. The happiness on my face can be seen by others, and the pain in my heart can be felt by anyone. 72. Don't say love easily, I want to cry, but I don't know how to shed tears. 76. Wandering between forgiveness and despair, the only feeling is hurt! Hurt! 77. The taste of missing someone is like drinking a glass of cold water, and then condensing into tears drop by drop. 78. There's nothing wrong with loving someone, The mistake is to like someone who doesn't like myself. 79. I won everyone, but I lost you. 80. What I can't refuse is the beginning, what I can't resist is the end. 81. Waiting It may not be easy to hurt But it's easy