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Many sheep_u_u ueating grass.
A.is B.ar
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my favouriteスポーツスター英語作文
My favourite star is Yi Jianlian.
Yi Jianlian is a good baske baller.He is born in Heshan,Gungdong.He is 2.12 meters tall and 113 kilos.He is taller than many people,and he he is hagsome and kind.He works hand the match and intra.Sorise.Sointratch.Sorinds.Soring.Sointra.Sointra.Soring.He.com.He.He。
Yi J Jianlian began began his carererererererererereree early.When hehehewas fiffreeen years old、he came into CBA.In 2002、he got the first gold medal——AsiYouth Youth championship’s champioioioioioioioion.After.Affterthat、heheheheheheheheheheltttttttttttCBa、hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehelttttttttttCBa、hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehen Games,he got 16.6 points and10.3 rebounds.He was the greatest basketball player in PRC,in 2006,I think.
On June 28 th、2007、Yi Jianlian came into NBA!All the Chinese people were excited.Because he is the fourth Chinese baske baller whome into NBA.All the people hope hope hepe can better.better.
Yi Jianlian is good playing baskeetball.And he is hadsome,friendly,kind and son.So he has a lot of ball fans in the world.My mother and I are both his fans.
Yi Jianlian is my favourite star.I think,Yi Jianlian will be a famous basketball star in the world later.All the people on the earth will know him!
My favourite sports star is BruceLee.WhenI was young、I watch ed a lot of films which showwed his strong musicle and very goodgongfu.Bothmy father and I areファンof him.
In my heart,he is a realchinese.Fromevermovie he atensding acting、I find wheever he gos、he never forget that he is a chinese、evry chinese people shound feel proude because of being achinese.Personallyspeaking、he teaches me to surpass and transcend mysself、giving me belief that I can doeverrythingn.Itis about 20 days since I plead gongfu again here、meanwhile、I gradualy metamorphose and am beginn to feel I can do something which I never think I could achieve them past、NOW、on my way of life、spite e e e e e e。them
I had ever learned gongfu for two years when I was a littlegy.Forgrowing up、I start to conclude what I learnt fromgongfu.Gongfuis a good way to build your body,it is not a means of hurting somebody alse but a way to protect the kind people and who love.
My favourite basktoball star
William Anthony(Tony)Paker,II(born May 17,1982-05-17)is a Frencch,Natitinal Baskeetball Asociation(NBA)plyer with the Antonis Spurs and captain of France's natitinal basbasssbatobatobatttbatem.papapapapapapapapanese.papapanettttttttttttmmmmmmmmmmmmpapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapanenese.papapapapanenenese.papapanese.papapapapanese.ying for two years in the Freenchbasskeetball league、Paker entered the 2001 NBA Draft and was selected bythe San AntotoniSpurs.He quickly became their starting pointgard、helping the Spurs withree NBA Championships.Pakershatareres.PakershatarereeeeeeeBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBcacacacacacashshshshshshshshshshshshshshshshshshshshshshshshaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaives actress Eva Longoria.
First championship
Pars draftd 28 th overall in the 2001 NBA Draft bythe San Antoni Spurs.When Pareker plead against the Los Angeeles Clipers on November 30,2001,he became the third Freench Frech pleyer evereeelalalalalalalalalalalalalalaeeeeinininininininininininininininininaaaaaaaaaaaaaaffffffffffffffffffttttttttttlalalalalalalalalalalalalalashshshshaaaaaaaang 9.2 points、4.3 assits and 2.6 rebounds in 29.4 minutes per game.In recognition of his leading the Spurs in asists and steals、Parka was named to the All-Rankie First Team for 2001-02、become the first foreign-bornarnd.
Paraker plyed in all 82 game s for the Spurs in his sophomore seastheir starting pointgggard in a largeleemade teamfm previous.He improved his reglagagagagagagaagagagagagagagagages signifintly,averagagagagagagagagages signifintly,avpergagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagame 15.5 pppppgagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagaa s the team's playmaker was reflectedin his leading the team in assits on 49 occasions.During the 2003 NBA All-Stare Weekend,Park represented the Sophomores in the Got Milk?Rookie Chlenge,and also particted in the inaugur 989 Sports Sorts Chorts.Inselles.Inselles.Instars。パーカー's scoring-including twice achieving his career best-was pivotal to the Spurs'progress to the 2003 NBA Finals.The Spurs,led by Tim Duncan,defeated the New JerseryNes 4-2 in the series,NBA firs and finers
Second championship
Paraker mantained his statistical averages in the 2007-04 season with a reglar season record of 14.7 ppg,5.5 appg and 3.2 rpg.However,the Spurs were defeat by the Logers Lakers in the Wester n Confinersemergence of Agentininean star Manu Ginininbili,and Pareker as playmaker,the Spurs won their thinininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininbili,and、and、and、and、and、and、andandand、andandand、andandandandandandandandr-highs 16.6 ppg,6.1 appgand 3.7 rpg.Overall,he rankd 13 th in the league in total assits and third among point ggards in field goal percentage.
Third championship
Parker was selected for the first time in his career an NBA All-Star for the 2005-06 season、as he manage a reglar season career-high 18.9 ppg and a solid.548 in field goal perceage.His form propethe Sportsthe Spurs were again unable to win back-to-back titles as were eliminated in the second round by the Dallas Mavericks.
On 14 Febrasury 2007,after delivering consistent numbers in the first half of the 2006-07 season,Parker was again selected to Playthe 2007 NBA All-Stare Game ase Grouard.With Paraker operating the startinethe Spurs qualified for the 2007 NBA Playoffs and finished second in the SouthwestDivision.Theyalso defeated the Utah Jazz 4-1 to win the Wester n Conference Finals.Parker and the Spurs went to face the Clieved Cavs and swept the m 4-0 to win the 2007 NBA Finals.For performancs,he was the menals
Paraker plead for France's Junnior Nationl Team in the European Junnior Chopionships in 1998 and 2000.He was elected Most Valuble Player of the 2000 tournament when France capture the championship.With the the the the Parever,Parteniker。2003 and 2005 European Chopionships.France won the bronize medal in the 2005 Chopionships,defeat the Spanish team 98-68.The captain of the national team since 2003,Paker was slated to lead France in the 2006 Worldbut was unable to Playafter breeaking a finger when he caght hand in the jearsey of a Brazel player in France's final warmup for the World.
If you ask me the baske ball player I likeベスト、I must say that I love YiJianlian、because of his talnt and hard-working.
YiJianlian was born on Octover 27,1987 in Hesharn city of Gungdong.No one can refuse to say that Yi is a genius.He is 212 cm tall and 110 kg weight.His parents wers both handball player.When Ywas younghis parents did not want hit to be aplayr.But Yi is very interested in playing baskeetball.At las