3 학년 간단 한 영어 에피소드 구하 기, 짧게 ~

3 학년 간단 한 영어 에피소드 구하 기, 짧게 ~

Three Good Friends 세 친구.
One day, a monkey rides his bike near theriver. Thistime he sees a lion under a트 리 더lion runs athim. Heis afraid and falls into theriver. Hecan 'tswim. Heshouts. Therabbit hearshim. Hejmps into theriver. Therabbit swims to t he monkey, but he can 't helphim. Luckily.,Anelephont come. s얼 쑤.is verystrong. Hehelps the rabbit and몽 키 쓰 리friends are veryhappy. Theygo to the elephont 'shome. Then'three of them become good friends'.