누가 영어 어 구 를 만 드 는 것 을 도와 줍 니까? 1: be unaware of 2: be dependent on 3: more importantly 4: fir the time being 5: have great understanding of 6: make mistakes 7:링크 투 게 더 & nbsp; 문장 과 일련 번 호 를 가지 고 가면 됩 니 다. 감사합니다.

누가 영어 어 구 를 만 드 는 것 을 도와 줍 니까? 1: be unaware of 2: be dependent on 3: more importantly 4: fir the time being 5: have great understanding of 6: make mistakes 7:링크 투 게 더 & nbsp; 문장 과 일련 번 호 를 가지 고 가면 됩 니 다. 감사합니다.

1 When he is drunk, he is quite unaware of what is going on around him.
2 In our time, it is necessary for us to be dependent on the copter for some of the work we do.
3. He workshard. Moreimportantly, he enjoys his work.
4. Talk to me later. I am busy for the time being.
5 To work as a translator, you need to have a great understanding of the importance of your work.
6. Most of the time, we learn something by making mistakes.
7 Now my compute is always linked to the Intenet.