how to keep you 헬 스, 영어 작문, 120 단어 정도 고 1 수준의 영어 작문, 제목 은 'how to keep you helty', 120 단어 정도 급 용!

how to keep you 헬 스, 영어 작문, 120 단어 정도 고 1 수준의 영어 작문, 제목 은 'how to keep you helty', 120 단어 정도 급 용!

Nowadays, there are more and more human become unhelhily and the obesity problem is among lots of cities, as a result, it is very important to keep everyone헬 스 티 더.following part i Would like to...

how to make fruit salad "영어 작문" (80 자 이상) 빠 릅 니 다 ~

A homemade fruit salad creates a great and helhy addition to any meal or cateed event, any time of year! The key to a delicious fruit salad is choosing fresh, seasonal and localfruit. Beloware steps and ingredients for creating fresh fruit salads for any occaion.
Thorough wash the blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, straw berries andmint. Slicethe watermelon into bite - sizecubes. Slicethe mango into bite - sizecubes. Squeezelemon on fruit to preserver color andfreshness. Addthe mint leaves for a refreshingflavor. Tossall ingredients in your favorite service bowl and server!
Time used for the recipe may vary based on the fruits you use, but either way it is incredibly Simple and easy to make either fruitsalad. Therecipe above will server 4 people, so you should adjust for larger or smaller paries.

how make fruit salad 라 는 제목 으로 글 을 한 편 쓰다.

how make fruit saladdo you like the fruit salad? Do you know how to make it? Let me tellyoFistwe need an apple, a Banana, an orange and somejoget. weshould pel the Banana and theorange Thenwe cut...

중학교 영어 수 동적 언어 전문 연습 답안
() 45 The broken bikehere by Mr Smith.
A. can mend B. can Mended C. can be mend D. can be Mended
() 46 The old bridge in my hometownnext month.
A. is going to be rebuilt B. will rebuilt '
C. are going to be rebuilt D. are going to rebuilt
() 47 더 플레이at the the atre next Sunday.
A. is going to be shown B. will shown C. will show D. is shown
() 48 The old stone bridgenext week.
A. is going to be rebuilt B. will be rebuild
C. are going to be rebuilt D. will Rebuild
() 49 Now these magazinesin the library for a long time.
A. have kept B. are keeping C. have been keeping D. have been kept
() 50 The potforhot water.
A. used; keeping B. was used; keeping C. is used; to keep D. are used; keep
() 51 Teain the south of China.
A. grows. B. is grown C. were grown D. will grow
() 55 The bridgesto yearsago. wooIt 's a Haidian top problem
A. is built B. built C. were built D. was built
() 56 Wet clothes are of tenup near a fire in rany weather.
A. hang B. hanged C. hanging D. hung
() 57The river smellsterible. People뮤 트dirty things into it.
A. be stopped to throw B. be stopped from throwing
C. stop to throw D. stop from throwing
() 58 The teapotwater.
A. is filled with B. filled of C. fulling of D. filled
() 59 Old people must be looked ^ fter well andpolitely.
A. speak to B. spoken C. speak D. spoken to
() 60Old people must...
A. look after well B. be looked well after
C. looked well after D. be looked after well
() 61 Newly - born babiesin hospital.
A. are taken good care B. are taken good care of
C. take good care of D. take good care
() 62 They wereat the sudden noise.
A. frightening B. frightened C. frighten D. frightens
() 63 These wallsstone.
A. are made of B. made of C. are made into D. made into
() 64 제 인to sing us an American song last Satuday.
A. called B. was asked C. told D. was said
() 65 The papersto them.
A. were shown B. show C. shown D. have shown
() 66The coather sister.
A. made to B. were made for C. was made for D. was made to
() 67 Ifive minutes to decide whether I should go or not.
A. gave B. was giving C. had given D. was given
() 68 굿 카 어such things.
A. should take of B. should be taken C. should be taking D. should be taken of

(D) 45 The broken bikehere by Mr Smith. A. can mend B. can Mended C. can be mend D. can be Mended (A) 46 The old bridge in my hometownnext month. A. is going to be rebuilt B. will rebuilt 'C. are goin...

중학교 영어 의 수 동적 태 도 를 고치다.
we heard her sing a foreign song last night 수 동적 언어 상태 변경
'a foreign song we heard was sung by her last night' 으로 바 꿀 수 있 나 요?

하마터면 맞 을 뻔 했 어 요.
A foreign song which we heard last night was sung by her.
오케이 됐어?

영어 의 어떤 단어 가 수 동적 인 언어 상태 가 없 는가?

예 를 들 어 fit, have, hold, marry, wish, cost, notice, watch agree with, arrive at / in, shake hands with, succeed in, suffer from, happen to, take part in, walk into, belong to 등.
This key just fits the lock. 이 열 쇠 는 이 자물쇠 에 만 달 려 있 습 니 다.
Your story agrees with what had already been heard. 당신 이 말 한 것 은 우리 가 들 은 것 과 일치 합 니 다.
3) 계 동 사 는 수 동적 인 언어 가 없다. 예 를 들 어 appear, be come, fall, feel, get, grow, keep, look, remain, seem, smell, sound, stay, tate, turn 등 이다. 예 를 들 어 It sounds good. 듣 기 좋다.
4) 동 원 된 목적 어 를 가 진 타동사, 예 를 들 어 die / death, dream / dream, live / life 등 과 반 신 대명사, 상호 대 사 는 수 동적 인 언어 에 사용 할 수 없다. 예 를 들 어:
She dreamed a bad dream last night. 그녀 는 어젯밤 에 악몽 을 꾸 었 다.

문장 을 완성 하 다
They were invented by Julie. (Julie 선 긋 기, 밑줄 친 부분 에 대한 질문)
_ _ _ they invented?
모두 세 시간 입 니 다.

By Who / whom were

중학교 영어 수 동적 태 도 를 고치다.
1. people are talking about the incident all over the town
2. we asw a bus running toward us at the time
3. they elected her leader of the group
4. they had to put of f the sports meet because of the rain
5. we don 't have to write it in such a hurry

1. The indicient is being taked about by people all over the town.
2. A. bus was seen 런닝 toward us at the time.
3. She was elected leader of the group.
4. The sports meet had to be put of f by them because of the rain.
5. It doesn 't have to be writen in such a hurry.

중학교 영어 수 동적 언어 문제 에 대하 여
수 동적 언어 구성: 보조 동사 be + 과거 분사 (타동사)
I know the famous scientist named Paul.
왜 비 없어?

the famous scientist named 또는 called Paul
여기 서 네 이 머 드 나 콜 레 드 는 동사의 과거 단 어 를 표준어 로 하여 명 사 를 수식 한다.
동사의 과거 단 어 는 수 동적 인 의 미 를 가지 지만 수 동적 인 언어 구조 가 아니다.

중학교 영 어 는 수 동적 인 언어 로 바 뀌 었 다.
1. people will never forget the accident
2. you may write this in pencil
3. they are repairing the garage
4. someone must have turned in the light without your notice
5. they have foundn ways to make waste clean
6.someone must take care of the children when we go out
7. they won 't hold the meeting until next Friday

윗 층 이 틀 렸 어. 첫 번 째 가 틀 렸 어.
1. The accident will never be forgeten by people
2. this may be writen in pencil by you
3. the garage is being repaired by them
4. the light must have been turned in by someone without your notice
(이 건 좀 문제 가 있 는 것 같 아 요. 불 을 켜 면 turn 일 거 예요.)
5. ways to make waste clean have been found by them
6.the children must be taken care of by someone when we go out
7.the meeting won 't be held by them until next Friday