'Make The Change' 라 는 제목 의 영어 스 피치 원 고 를 구 합 니 다. 1 분 정도 되 는...

'Make The Change' 라 는 제목 의 영어 스 피치 원 고 를 구 합 니 다. 1 분 정도 되 는...

Make The Change
Life always were chose all time, chose survival or death, chose contine or give up. Life is very difficult that for choose.
The earth is round, human all same, all have body, all have head, all have brainfind mere place for sleep? why Did you ask yorself any questions before like this? the answer is not. almostal of the people never think about this, and they didn 't care about this, maybe they real like this lifestyle, maybe the life get by, maybe the life the life get by, maybe they alydy alk head.
What 's meaans succeed? what' s meaans mature? what 's meaans riches? what' s menans succes? what 's means succed? what' s means dead? Maybe you said, only acheve you hearts desire is suceed; yor age reach at 18 years old is mature; you think of you althink of you already y heeave mony hee e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e healie e e e e e e e e e healie e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a yor.stop breath is dead. no no, wrong thory. we survie in the world is not only to eating to sleeping, no, not like this, we need improvement ourselves, we need help the world change.
I have a dream, you too, I always Pursuing exceeding, I hope you too. we need change our life, we need enjoy our life.

영어 서면 표현: The change in my hometown
나의 고향 은 서안 에 있 고 서안 의 변화 영 어 를 쓴다.

The great changes in my hometown I live in Xi,An. Xi'안 리 스 a very beautiful place. I like my'hometown. Twentyyears ago, my hometown is verybehind Andmuch rubbish are in thestreets. Manypeople are Huddle...

great change in my hometown 영어 작문

Great change in my hometown
As time goes by, my hometown has had the great change.
Instead of winding road, the street is bright andspacious. Thetrees along the street is more and morebeautiful. The.cars which are running on the street has become more and moreadvanced. Whetherto eat or wear make people feel fresh andnew. Inmy hometown, not only the builing has become tall,but also the air become free sh. I see everyone 's face seems to be showing a satisfied smile.
This is my hometown. I love my dear hometown.

영어 서면 표현. "The Changes in My Hometown" 이라는 제목 으로 70 단어 정도 의 짧 은 글 을 영어 로 쓰 십시오.
과거 1. 생활 이 가난 하고 집 이 허름 했다.
2. 교통 이 불편 하고 관광객 이 적다
현재 1. 생활: 집 이 넓 고 밝다. 많은 사람들 이 자신의 차 를 가지 게 된다.
2. 환경: 도처에 푸 른 나무 와 화초 가 있다.
3. 관광: 매년 세계 각지 에서 온 수천 만 명의 관광객 이 있다.
장래 에 당신 이 고향 의 미래 를 전망 하 세 요
제목 과 시작 이 나 왔 습 니 다.
The Changes in My Hometown
In the Pat,my hometown was verysmall._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The Changes in My Hometown In the pat, my hometown was verysmall peoplethere lived a poor life and the house were very old and shabby, even some of which were shaking in thewind. Asto the traffic, i...

the season in my hometown 영어 작문 50 단어

My hometown is a very beautiful villeage in the country side, In spring, there are many trees and very niceflowers Insummer, the river is clean and we of ten have a good time to swim in theriver. Especiallyin autumn, the farmers are veryhappy. Becausethey can get delicious fruit and all kinds ofvegetables. Inwinter,it usually snows. Although the weather is a little cold, there are many funny things. I of ten go skating with some friends on the ice. I love my hometown.

Changes in My Hometown 이 냐 Change in My Hometown 이 냐
이유 가 뭔 데?

Changes in My Hometown 중의 change 는 명사 전체 라 는 뜻 은 내 고향 의 변화 이다.
Change in My Hometown 중의 change 은 동사 로 제 고향 에서 변 한 다 는 뜻 입 니 다.
개인 적 으로 생각 하 다.

급! 마 이 캠 퍼 스 라 이 프 의 영어 스 피치 원 고 를 구 합 니 다! 3 분 안에 끝 냅 니 다. 저 는 고등 학생 입 니 다.
저 는 고 2, 며칠 있 으 면 시합 을 합 니 다. 가장 좋 은 것 은 창의 적 이 고 아름 다운 것 입 니 다. 새 단 어 를 너무 많이 쓰 지 않 고 3 분 안에 다 하 는 것 입 니 다.

In September I start my third year at Foudan University, which means that I 've spent exactly to years living on캠 퍼 스 인my opinion, 유 니 버 시 티 life is about enjoying yorself and realizing your dreams.
The class timetable in the 유 니 버 시 티 is flex ible, which gives students more freetime. 썸students spend it in the library, readingbooks. Theirlearning ambition is so high that thy claim the ir seats as soon as the library doorsopen. Butmany prefer to Relax doing something else, such as play ing Gu - Zheng,ancient Chinese musical인 스타 그램. My.roommate has one ofthese. Shepaid 500 yuan for it, which was a big decision for her, because her family 's financial situation is not so굿 미friend earned all the money herself by tutoring Juior students twice aweek. Sheonly spent five yuan every day over threemeals. Afterthree months, she realized herdream.
As we students are getting older we can start making our owndecisions. Withthis right comeresponsibility. 모스 트of us take part - time jobs as tutors to earn some pocket Money - a few capable students will gain enough money to be self -sufficient. Byteaching we realize the challenge of making aliving. 썸.of my friendscomplain about theworkload, though thy admit that teaching also makes themconfident. Asthir students progress, the tutors feel happy to.
There are other exciting things going on at러 브 유 니 버 시 티stories are an indispensable part of life oncampus. Thoughit may cause both happiness and bitter feeling s, many can 't help looking for truelove Oneof my best friends has had her heart brokenwice. Maybeit 's partly her fault through picking boy friends by appearance,the way most peopledo. Lovecan make you blind to someone 's lessprettysides. Butmy friend feels that it 's worth it to keep try ing until she finds the rightperson. Thosewho have yet to find ther prince or princess can devother time to otherthings. PersonallyI 'm a big fan of Koreanactors. BaeYong Jun is a Korean movie star who Chinese girlsare crazyabout. ATone point last winter, even the way Bae wore his scarves Became a trend. I learned for ways of wearing my scarves! And of corse I also copy hishairstle. Butto be honest, I have some difficulty getting my hair into the right shape... But for a 유 니 버 시 티 student, the most important thing should bestudy ing. WhenI was a free shman,one of our tutors told us to make good use of t he best teachers while a t 유 니 버 시 티. "Make sure that by the time you graduate, there 's a big difference between you, and those who haven' t entered school yet, he"said. Thispiece of advice made a deep impressionme. Alwayskeep study ing!
To me, it 'ssimple. Lifeon campus is about finding one 's priorities, and about being part of a group who work to acheve interesting and creative goals.

영어 번역
알림: 생활 곳곳에 햇빛 이 가득 합 니 다.모든 사람 은 친구 의 도움, 친구 의 지지, 선생님 의 관심, 가족 간 의 사랑 을 받 고 삶 의 빛 과 행복 을 느 낄 수 있 습 니 다.당신 이 겪 었 던 일 을 써 서 생활 이 아름 답 다 는 것 을 설명 하 세 요.
요구: 어수 80 정도.

every whever have sunshine, every body colod gethelp. Thereis a thing in my mind all the타임 투years ago, I went to themountaionson더 웨 이, I got inJured. I wasscared. Inthis time, an old people ask...

영어 작문 "My Dream Life"

My Dream Life 는 제 꿈 의 삶 을 뜻 합 니 다.

스 쿨 라 이 프 는 '내 캠퍼스 생활' 이라는 뜻 으로 영어 작문 을 구 합 니 다.

My name is Beth. I 'm 14 years old, and I study in No. 1 Middle School of Hui'anMyschool is very big and beautiful. I 'm very happy in the school.
I usually get up at 6: 15 in themorning. thenI do morning exercises in theplay ground. AT6: 40, I have mybreakfast. Youcan see many students and teachers in the dinningroom. Afterbreakfast, I of ten read English with my classmates.
We have six classes everyday. thefirst class begins at 7: 50 am. I like all the classes, because my teachers can make the classes lively andinteresting. Myfavorite subject is English,so I join English Corner every week. I can speak English with many other studentsthere. It's very interesting and exciting. I think it' s helpful for me to learn English웰 애 프 터class, I always play games with myfriends. Weplay basketball, soccer ball, volleyball, ping - pong and son. theyare very Relaxing.
I like my lessons, my friends and myteachers Ina word, I love my school. I find my school life is more and more meaning ful andcolorful. Myschool life is 원 더 풀, isn 't it?