She likes placesthere are many kinds of flow er A whenB Because C. if D where

She likes placesthere are many kinds of flow er A whenB Because C. if D where

D where
왜 냐 면 여기 where 가 in places 에 해당 하 거 든 요.
그래서 where 는 여기 서 정 어 · 절 에 속 하고 대 사 를 짓 는 다

There are many different kinds ofparrots. 썸are quite빅 오 더 스are verysmall. Manypeople like
them because they of ten have beautiful colours, and because they can talk.
No one know s why parrots cantalk. 모스 트birds cannot. 썸people say that parrots can talk because they have big, thicktongues. Butsome other birds that can talk do not have big, thick tongues, and some birds that can not talk have big, thick tongues.
Parrots do not usually know what they are saying when theytalk. Theyare only makeingsounds. Howeverthey know when to say some Words such as "Hello!" and "Goodbye", and they usually know and say the irnames.
모스 트 parrots come from hot countries, but they can liveany where. Thisis one reason why sailors used to take them with them on logjourney. Perhapsanother reason was that thy wanted someong to talk to.
Parrots are not the only birds that can. Usually they do notwhat they aresaying. Althoughthey do know the ir names andto say앤. they have,tongues. However, thisnot bethey can talk because some birds that have the same kind of tongustalk. 복사 검색

1. 톡 2. know
3. when 4. Hello 5. Goodbye
6.big 7.thick 8. may 9. reasons
10 cannot

빈 칸 완성 There are many kinds offriends. 썸are always 1 you, but don 't understandyou. 썸.sa.
There are many kinds offriends. 썸are always 1 you, but don 't understandyou. 썸.say only a few words to you, but understandyou. Many.people will step in your life,but only 2 friends leave footprints (발자국). I shall always recall (추억) the auumn and the girl with the 3. She will always bring back the friendship between us. I know she will always be my bestfriend. Itwas the golden season. I cold see the yellow leaves 4 on the cool 5. In such a season, I liked walking alone in the leaves, 6 to the sound ofthem. Autumnis a 7 season and life isunnteresting. e days always get me 8. But one day, the sound of a villin 9 in to my ears like a stream (시냇물) flowing in the mountains. I was so surprised that I jmped to see what it was. A yong girl, standing in the wind, was 10 in play ing her violin. I had sheen herbefore. Themusic was so nice that Ilistenedquietly. Lostin the music, I didn 't know that I had been 12 there for so long but my existence (존재) did not seem to distureher. Leaveswere stillfalling. Everyday she play ed the violin in the corner of the building 13 I went 다운 스타 이 어 스 to watch her permance. I was the onlylistener. Theaumen seemed no loger lonely and life becam14. 15 we didn 't know each other, I thought we already good friends. I believe she also love dme. Autumnwas nearlyover. Oneday, when I was listening carefully, the sound suddenly 16. To my astonishment (놀 라 움), the girl came over to me. "You must like violin." She said. "Yes. Andyou play verywell. Why'did you stop?' I.asked Suddenly,a 17 expression appeard on her face and I colod feel something unusual. 'I came here to see my grandmother, but now I must leave. I once play ed verybadly. Itwas your listening every day that 18 me. 'she said.' In fact, it was your play ing 19 gave me a meaning ful autumn, 'I answered,' Let 's be friends.' The girl smiled, and so did I never헤드 her play again my life. I no loger went 다운 스타 이 어 스 to listen likebefore Onlythick leaves were leftbehind. ButI will always remember the fine figure of thegirl. Sheis like a 20 - so short, so bright, like a shooting star giving of f so much light ③ that it makes the autun beautiful.

flowered & nbsp;
standing & nbsp;
sad & nbsp;