There are many kinds of ianimals in the zoo He doesn 't think it good for animals to live in the smallhouse Theyare ourfriends. Theywill be very happythey live in nature

There are many kinds of ianimals in the zoo He doesn 't think it good for animals to live in the smallhouse Theyare ourfriends. Theywill be very happythey live in nature


how many kind of animals are talked about in the pasage?
1. how many kind of animals are taked about in the pasage?
2. how mr smith is in the zoo with his to sons, one is 14 and the other is 10, how much are the tickets altogether?
3. can we visit the zoo at 3: 30 pm on frieday?
4. what does the word 'giraffe' mean?
5. what can 't we do in the zoo?

1. 이 단락 에서 몇 가지 동물 에 대해 논 의 했 습 니까?
2. smith 씨 와 그의 14 살 과 10 살 짜 리 아들 이 동물원 에서 (노 는) 어 떻 습 니까? 표 는 모두 얼마 입 니까?
3. 우 리 는 금요일 오후 3 시 30 분 에 동물원 에 가서 참관 할 수 있 습 니까?
4. 'giraffe' 라 는 단 어 는 무슨 뜻 입 니까?
5. 우 리 는 동물원 에서 아무것도 할 수 없 으 니, 적어도 두 시 는 써 야 한다.

I have Too many friends, and there is an old saying "Friends are god" s way of taking care of us "
How can I find one or to true friend (s)?

When you have a new friend, it means that there is a Relationship between you and he / she, so if you take good care of your friend, it will make a positive effect, the thing you only need to do is treat your friends with your heart and soul, Of corse withoat and soul.
Good luck to you, god bless you...