예문 만 을 쓰 는 복수 형 은 - IS that your ruler? - Yes, it is This is my parent

예문 만 을 쓰 는 복수 형 은 - IS that your ruler? - Yes, it is This is my parent

Are those your rulers
Yes, they are
They are my parents

That is an orange. 어떻게 복수 로 바 꿔 요?

those are oranges

IS that an orange 의 복수 형 태 는 무엇 입 니까?
또 있 죠. What are these? They are English buses 와 홀수 문장 으로 바 꿨 어 요.

IS that an orange
복수 형식: Are those oranges?
What are these?
홀수 문장: What is this?
They are English buses.
홀수 문장: This is an English bus.

That is an orange bus. 복수 형식 으로 변경
Lesson finish (at 3: 30) 괄호 부분 에 대한 질문

Those are orange buses
when does the lesson finish?