what do you do at the weekend? some people like to What do you do at the weekend? 썸 people like to1앳.home. Butothers like to go for a walk2플레이football. Myfriend Jack Works hard in a factory on3. AT the weekends he always4different things. 1 stay 2 or 3. a. weekend b. weekends c. weekday d. weekday kdays

what do you do at the weekend? some people like to What do you do at the weekend? 썸 people like to1앳.home. Butothers like to go for a walk2플레이football. Myfriend Jack Works hard in a factory on3. AT the weekends he always4different things. 1 stay 2 or 3. a. weekend b. weekends c. weekday d. weekday kdays

3 weekday s
4 does

- 썸 피 플 like Beijing Opera. -Yes. Theycanabout Chinese history A. learn lots of B. learn a lot C. know s a lot D. to study a lot


In China, some people like the KFC, some like Pizza Hut, andlike McDonalds... A. other B. the other C. others D. the others

C. others 다른 분 들.

people are so busy these days that many have no time to

지금 사람들 은 매우 바 빠 서 많은 사람들 이 밥 할 시간 조차 없다.

People are so busy these days that many of them have no time tocook. Thisb1a problem, because m t famillies love home cooking! The food tastes good and w2앤 디 아 family m3brings everyone투 게 더 인some families, meals are of ten the only time everyone sees one a4at the same time. Another reason people enjoy home c5is that it is of ten a way of showing love. A parent who m6some cookies (쿠키) is not just satisfying (만족) a child 's sweettooth. Sheo7he is sending amessage. Theinessage says, "I care about you enough to spend an hour making cookies that you will e8up in 15 minutes if i let you. There is alse something about the s9of home cooking. The smell of home cooking pleases people of sll a10. It makes most of us feel g11and love d - even if we are the ones doing the cooking! Next time you smell a cake make makeing, stop for a m12and pay attention to (주목) yor moods (기분).

1. becomes 2 warm 3 meal 4 another 5 cooking 6 makes 7 or
8 eat 9 smell 10 ages 11 good 12 minute

In the office I never seen to have time until after 5.30 - many people have gone home. which time, by which 로 바 꿔 도 될까요? 왜 요?

by which 맞아요.
by + 시간 이런 식 으로 봤 어 요 by which 에서 which 는 5.30

Many people don 't like ther jobs, but they have to do it(make) a living.

to make
핸드폰 질문 자 는 클 라 이언 트 오른쪽 상단 평가 점 에서 '만족' 하면 됩 니 다!

many people like animals verymuch. theyusually have animalsther pets

as 로 서

now people have more(free) to choose the ir jobs


Many people won 't realize the importance of ther helh () they have lost it. A. afer B. when C. until D. as

C 를 선택 하고 not... until 을 직접 활용 합 니 다. 이 조합 은 다음 과 같은 의미 입 니 다.
많은 사람들 은 그들 이 이미 잃 어 버 렸 다 는 것 을 깨 닫 지 못 한다.
당신 에 게 도움 이 되 길 바 랍 니 다.