what do you dot the weekend?some people like to What do you dot the weekend?Some people like to_u_1_u_u uathome.Butothers like to go for a walk_u u_u2_u_u uプレイfootball.Myfriend Jack works hard in a factory on_u_u u3__う.At the weekends he always4__うディfferet things. 1 stay 2 or 3.a.weekend b.weekends c.weekday d.weekdays

what do you dot the weekend?some people like to What do you dot the weekend?Some people like to_u_1_u_u uathome.Butothers like to go for a walk_u u_u2_u_u uプレイfootball.Myfriend Jack works hard in a factory on_u_u u3__う.At the weekends he always4__うディfferet things. 1 stay 2 or 3.a.weekend b.weekends c.weekday d.weekdays

3 weekdays
4 does

——Some people like Beijing Opera.Yess.Theycan_.about Chinese history A.learn lots of B.learn a lot C.knows a lot D.to study a lot


In China、some people like the KFC、some like Piza Hut、and___u_ulike McDonnalds. A.other B.the other C.others D.the others


people are so busy these days that many haveのtime to


People are so busy these days that many of them haveのtime tocook.Thisb_1_a problem、because m t families love home cooking!The food tastes good and w_2_、and a family m_3_brigs everryonetogether.Insome famiries,meals are oten the only time everyone sees one a_4_at the same time. Another reason people enjoy home c_5_is that it is oten a way of shwing love.A parent who m_6_some cookies is not just satisfying(満足)a child's sweettooth.Sheo_7_ヘis sending aメッセージ.Theinesse age says,“I care about you enough to spend an hour making cookies that You will e e e e e e e。8_up in 15 minutes if let you." The re is alse something about the s_9__of home cooking.The small of home cooking pleas people of slel a_10_.It makes most of us feel g_11__and love d---even if we are the ones dong the cooking!Next time you smake making、stop for a m_12__and pay tention to(注目)your moods.

1 becommes 2 warm 3 meal 4 another 5 cooking 6 makes 7 or
8 eat 9 small 10 age 11 good 12 minute

In the office I never seen to have time until after 5.30-many people have gone home. which timeをby whichに変えてもいいですか?なぜですか?

by whichは正しいです
by+時間という形で見たことがありますよ。by whichでwhichは5.30を指します。

Many people don’t like their jobs,but they have to do it_____(make)a living.

to make

many people like animls verymuch.theyusualy have animls_their pets


now people have more_u u_u u(free)to chose their jobs


Many people won't realize the impotance of their health()they have lost it. A.afer B.when C.until D.as
