I am afrand that I can not be certain about that. すみません、このthatの後ろに案内されているのは何の従属文ですか? afraridはもう表現しましたから、後の従属文は何ですか?目的語の従句ですか?

I am afrand that I can not be certain about that. すみません、このthatの後ろに案内されているのは何の従属文ですか? afraridはもう表現しましたから、後の従属文は何ですか?目的語の従句ですか?


I am afrand that I can'tのthat can'tは文の中で何をしますか?

that can't目的語従節、目的語を作る。

for fear that lest in caseの後ろには仮想語気が必要ですか?どのような形の仮想がありますか?


いくつかの「念のため」in case lest for fear thatが導いた従属文は仮想語調shound+動詞の原形でなければなりませんか? 2,shuldは省略できますか?

3つは全部バーチャルな語調ができます。shuldは省略できますが、in caseの従属文は叙述語調でもいいです。here's a stick in case you shound need it.あなたに木の棒をあげます。それを使えばいいかもしれません。

for fear that in case lestはショルダーでなければなりませんか?しかし、私はin caseの後に陳述文の阿と一緒にいます。 Keep the window closed in case itライヴ. 雨が降らないように窓を閉めてください。


Can we make animls work for us?Some scientists(科学者)think one day we can teach animls to d Can we make animls work fors?Some scientists(科学者)think one day we can teach animls to do a lot of things forpeople.Theysay that in a film or on TV You may see elephance,mokeys,dogs or some other animls dong a lot ofthings.Ifウォッチcarefullyyou may find those animls are always given a little food to eat after they have donesomething.Scintistssay that people can teach many different animls to do some eame work if they know they will get something to eat. We all know elephands can carry large logs(原木)and dogs can look afterhouses.Andwe can even teach animls to work infactores.InAmerica、for example、people use appes(猿)to help makecars.Scintiststhink that those big mokeys may,one day,drivetrins.Nowpeople are trying to let them do something just like man.


People can make dogs some work by t__u_u uthem.


Some people oject to being made to work hard. Some people oject to being made to work hard. 1.中国語に訳してください

be made to do sthは誰かに何かをさせるために訳します。

Can animls be made to work fors?Some scientists think one day animls may be trined to d Can animls be made to work for us?Some scientists think that one day animls may be trined to do a number of simple jobs that are now done by hman beins. The y point out that at at atch,for example,we may see elephans,mokeys,dogs and other animls doing quite skill fulthings.Perhapsあなたのhave seen them on the television or in afilm.Ifyou watch closely,you may notice that the triner always the animal a piece of candy or a piece of frit as areward.Thescientists say that manydifferent animls may be trined to do a number of simple jobs if they know they will get reward for them.


Can animls be made to work for people?…そしてなぜこの答えを書くのですか? Can animls be made to work for people?Some scientists think one day animls may be trined(トレーニング)to do a number of simple jobs i1__保存先people.Theysay that a circus、for example、we may see elephans、mokeys、dogs and other animls dong q_u u2__skill ful(熟練した)things at a circus. If youウォッチclosely,you may find that the triner always g_u3__the animal some sugar or a piece of flut as a reward.The scientists say that many d_4__animls may be trined to do a lot of simple things if they will get a reward f_u5__dong that. Of course、as we know、dogs can be trined to look after a house、and solidiers in both old and moder n times have used geese to give warning by_u u_u u6__a lot of noise when n n enemiy compesnear.Andalso it may be possible to train animls to work in famiries or f_7_..。 Manblind people have seeing Eye dogs to gidethem.Butnot FsieSchneider.Shehas a seeigng eye cat caled Rhubard!Mrss.Schneidersaid「At first I had the cat on a ten-foot」leas.Itwould tate me to the trash cans and out to theclothesilne.Now,it k_u8_exactly what to do——even without aレシ.Rhubarbguide s me d__u9__the stairs.“said”Mrss.Schneider.「It even gives me a little meow if I come too c__10_to the wall or door."

1.instead(instead of:代替)、2.quite(十分)、3.gives(あげる)、4.different(違う)、5.for(なぜならば)、6.making(make noise)、7.factores(工場)、8 knows(知っている)、9.compica…