영어 작문: 주말 에 친구 와 가족 은 무엇 을 합 니까? 중국 어 를 붙이다.

영어 작문: 주말 에 친구 와 가족 은 무엇 을 합 니까? 중국 어 를 붙이다.

I eager having a weekend, when weekend is come. It is the time to my own, after a whole week 's hard Work. I will be Relax my self. I spending my weekend with my family. Of corse, I learning and having..

영어 작문 은 일요일 에 어디 에 가 려 고 합 니까? 무엇 을 하 러 갑 니까?

I am going to do many things and be very busy on the weekend. So I do my home work on Saturday morning. In the afternon, I am going to housework with my mother. Because I am a good girl, I am hell pfat home. On Sunday morning, I am going to visit Grandparents. Intent with. Intern. the Intern.we are going to the park together. Because there is a kite show. And my grandparents like s makes makeing kites. I think, we can see many beautiful kites there. And we are going to buy some beautiful kites, too. Then, we are going to fly the new kittes, the Inevents. the In evening.we are going to have a big dinner. We are going to have fish for dinner. Because my grandparents likes eating fish. And my grandma cooksfish well. After dinner, we are going to watch TV together. We are going to be very happy.

너 와 너의 가족 은 주말 에 무슨 영어 작문 을 하 니? At weekend. 내용 은 다음 과 같다. 주말 에 우리 아빠 가 매우 바쁘다. 우리 엄 마 는 6 시 에 퇴근 할 것 이다. 우 리 는 풍성 한 저녁 식 사 를 할 것 이다. 우 리 는 할머니 댁 에 갈 수 있다. 할머니 댁 에서 나 는 많은 지식 을 알 수 있다. 우 리 는 좋 은 밤 을 보 낼 것 이다.

AT weekend, my father isbusy. Mymother will come home at six oclock. Wecan have a tastydinner. Wecan go to Grandma 'shome. InGrandma 's home i can know manyknow ledges. Wewill have a good night.

영어 작문 내 친구

작문 1: My friend
I have a good friend. She is a pretty girl. She lives in Jiujing. She is a midle school student. She has big eyes, a small mouth, a small nose and a round face. She is tal and thin. She like s watching TV and play ing the basketball. On. On the weed, she waketh alk s Balth Balter in the falth in the falth in the watch in in the watch on on on on on on on on on on on on on on the watch on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on the watch on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on
She is a good student. She is good at English. She likes speaking in English. She always reports news in English in her school.
She says we are good friends. We of ten send - mails to each other every day. I like her very much.
작문 2: My Friend
My friend Jane is a pretty and cute girl. She has a pair of big and bright eyes, which seeme as if they can speak. Under her small lovely nose, there is a little naugh h mouth. Her hair is straight and long, hanging dow n the shoulders In word,She is a healthy girl. She is the best student in her class. She always gets full marks in the exams. What 's more, she can play the piano, and she sings and dances well. In every New Year' s party, she play s the piano and sings sweet songs for s for classmates. Every. overy. much. much. much.
작문 3: My Good Friend
My good friend is Mei. She 's a girl. She is my classmate.
Mei is tall and thin. She has two big eyes and log hair. She likes listenning to music and reading books. Sometimes we listen to music together. She like likes summer. Because she she she can shaim in the summer holiday. She like Likes pink and white She She in She in Clashe in Classin Class Fours s s s Grame the the the the the the the the hehehehehehehehehehee e e e e wewewewewewewewewewewewewewe wewewewewewewewewewe wewewewewewewe wewewewewe heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheool onfoot. We of ten go shopping together on the weekend.
We will be good friends forever.

영어 작문 은 나의 친 구 를 소개 한다. RT, 80 개의 단어 보다 적 으 면 안 됩 니 다. 친구 이름 은 Frank 이 고 그의 특 기 는 달리기, 영어 입 니 다.

My friend
I have a lot of friends,but I have only a few goodfriends Oneof them is my bestfriend. Weare both twelve yearsold. Heis fat and톨 헤likes to eat oranges andmeat. Heis very straight andgenerous. Wealways help eachother. Heis a nice boy and his math is verygood. Helikes to play football and basketball. I enjoy play ing with him because I can learn a lot fromhim. Hecan always come up with smart answers to those difficultquestions. Weusually play together after school in theafternoon. Heis very funny and sometimes he tells me some interesting stories but sometimes he sets meup. Afterall we get a longwell. Butsometimes we fight eachother. Hisgoal is to be a mathteacher. HeLives in Linshan and Ilive inXiangshan. Butwe are good friends.
Today I want to tell you something about myclassmate. Heis a boy of l7 yearsold. Heis talk andstrong. Helikes reading books verymuch. Helikes sports, such as skating and play ingbasketball. Sometimeswhen he if free, he enjoys listening tomusic. Heis kid. I am not good at math and he of ten helps me with my math. I want to say: Thank you so much"I am quite happy that I have such a good friend."

영어 작문 내 친구 집 이 없다

작문 1: My friend I have a goodfriend Sheis a prettygirl. Shelives inJiujing. Sheis a midle schoolstudent. Shehas big eyes, a small mouth, a small nose and a roundface. Sheis talk andthin. Shel...

내 친구 영어 작문

My friend is a boy. 내 친 구 는 남자 아이 He is very tall and handsome 입 니 다. 그 는 키 가 크 고 멋 있 습 니 다. He like s singing, dancing and lots of sport. 그 는 노래 부 르 기 를 좋아 하고 춤 추 는 것 과 많은 운동 He has a sister and a brother. 그 에 게 는 언니 한 명 과 한 명 이 있 습 니 다.

영어 번역 have a goodfriend Sheis a prettygirl. Shelives inJiujing. Sheis a midle schoolstudent. Shehas big eyes, a small mouth, a small nose and a roundface. Sheis talk andthin. Shelikes watching TV and play ing thebasketball on. O.the weekend,she always play s basketball with her friends in the afternoon and watches TV in the evening. She is a goodstudent. Sheis good atEnglish. Shelikes speaking inEnglish. Shealways reports news in English in her school. She says we are goodfriends. We오 피 셜 세 렌 드 - mails to each other every day. I like her very much.

I have a goodfriend Sheis a prettygirl. Shelives inJiujing. Sheis a midle schoolstudent. Shehas big eyes, a small mouth, a small nose and a roundface. Sheis talk andthin. Shelikes watching TV and play ing thebasketball on. O.the weekend, she always play s basketball with her friends in the afternoon and watches TV in the evening.
She is a goodstudent. Sheis good atEnglish. Shelikes speaking inEnglish. Shealways reports news in English in her school.
She says we are goodfriends. Wesend - mails to each other every day. I like her very much.
저 는 좋 은 친구 가 있 습 니 다. 그녀 는 예 쁜 여자 아이 입 니 다. 그녀 는 구강 에 살 고 있 습 니 다. 중 학생 입 니 다. 그녀 는 큰 눈, 작은 입, 작은 코, 동 그 란 얼굴 입 니 다. 그녀 는 키 가 크 고 키 가 큽 니 다. 그녀 는 텔레비전 을 보 거나 농 구 를 하 는 것 을 좋아 합 니 다. 주말 에 친구 들 과 오후 에 농 구 를 하고 저녁 에 텔레비전 을 봅 니 다. 그녀 는 좋 은 학생 입 니 다. 영 어 를 좋아 합 니 다. 그녀 는 학교 에서 영어 로 뉴스 를 보도 합 니 다.
그녀 는 우리 가 좋 은 친구 라 고 말 했다. 우 리 는 매일 상대방 에 게 이메일 을 보낸다. 나 는 그녀 를 매우 좋아한다.
주: We of ten send - mails to each other every day. 표현 오류
오 프 틴 과 에 브 리 데 이 중 하 나 는 빼 야 한다.
그 밖 에 문장 에 She 가 너무 많이 나 와 서 여러 문장 을 한 문장 으로 쓸 수 있다.

나 에 게 친 구 를 소개 하 는 영어 작문 과 남 자 를 소개 하 는 것 을 도와 주세요.

Li Lei is one of my bestfriends. Heis tall and handsome with a pair ofglasses. Heis friendly andgenerous. Heis of ten ready to help others so he can always gets on well withothers. Heis good at Eng...

자기 친 구 를 소개 하 는 영어 작문 이 급히 필요 하 다.

Friendship is an important of one 's life, as old saying goes, a friend in need is a friendindeed. becausei have a lively persnality and always want to help others, i have a number of friends, including...